Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Scout is working on the video thingy I told you about. We (meaning: he) has to change the way its on the dvd or something. He was working on it last night but it was taking a loooog time to load. He was also playing Runescape, checking his myspace, and listening to his tunes so I think he gave up. But I do know that we are going to (try) to put music with the Gumby part. By the way have you tried to look up "gumby" on you tube? I was not aware that Gumby and Pokey were smoking so much pot. They need an intervention.

The boys and I had a family meeting last night. We discussed all kinds of things. Ferret wants some new bedroom furniture, and he does not want Scout to spend too much money on the ps2 modifications. (I had no clue that you could put LED lights and plexiglas so you can see all the insides of it). Scout agrees that maybe the two wild cats that hiss at us was not such a good idea. (I believe that we all agreed on that one, I'm sorry to say).
We also all agreed that their Dad should not be welcome to the house anymore. He started to come over unannounced lately and it is to the benifit of noone. I had to take him home one day last week cause he was being an ass. And on Monday night he came over to do some laundry and the two boys got fed up with him and they took a walk down the road a bit. He got pissed tried to tell them it was my fault. Well, my boys know whats what and kinda told him off. Now he called my work wondering if he can come over tonight and I told him that he was voted out. He is playing the "we'll both go to jail" card right now. Next he'll move on to the "I'll see them in foster care" card. I know them all.
And I also know that your wondering what in the heck am I doing letting my ex over to the house, right? I don't know how it started. He just showed up one day. Scout may have accidently thought it would be no big deal if he knew what street we lived on. I do not blame him. He wants what any kid wants ..a normal mom and dad family. I wish I could give him that.

I think the Family Meeting #1 was a success. We wrote down all the important parts of the meeting and everyone signed it. I even talked to the boys about not doing drugs. (It was right after that Scout brings up the Gumby thing on you tube) I know the meeting had a happy ending (well, except for the kitties).

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