Have you seen this? I want one of these. A million dollars for one home page. What a brilliant idea!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
million dollar home page?!!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:25 PM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tis' all over
I had a great Christmas. We all went to my brothers house Christmas eve and had a good time. The boys had a hard time getting to sleep that night but by 1am they were all snug. At 1:45am I hear Feret wake up and sneek into the living room. He came back in and woke me up. "Santa came, can we open presents?" I ask him what time it was and he informs me that its 1:45am. I try to tell him that its a little too early to get up and he climbs back to bed. About 40 min later I look over at him and hes wide awake. I asked him if he wants to go into my bed and he says yes. So we climb into my bed and fall fast asleep.
Christmas day the boys woke up at about 7:30am. They come in to wake me up and ask to open their gifts. I try to tell them that Baby isn't up yet but they said they need to help him with his so let him sleep. They proceed to open things up and after they finished with what was under the tree I asked them to close their eyes and stand up. I opened the curtains to the porch and told them to open their eyes. They pretty much screamed when they did open their eyes. I told them the bikes were from me and mimi and poppy. It was the ones they wanted. They were even more shocked when I told them that they had been out there for two weeks.
They helped Baby with his gifts and then the house looked like a giant trash bin so I grabbed some trash bags and went throught the living room from one end to the other. After that was done I look back at the other end and see that the boys had opened more boxes and made another mess. This went on till about 1pm. It started to set in that I had to work in the worning and I was getting quite upset. The boys were fighting by this time too and I was not a happy camper. We went over to my moms for dinner and were full by the first course. I took Feret home so Tylers mom could pick him up. I was getting irritated by Tylers aunt cause she went through the entire house like a police officer looking for a robber. she checked out all the bedrooms and bathrooms. she raided the kids candy for chocholate and she even opened my gift from Kathy. She does give good hugs though.
I guess all went well. I was happy to spend time with my family. Even though I did not get what I wanted for Christmas, I got what I needed!
I wonder what I will be doing for New Years?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:35 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
We had our Cub Scout caroling last night for the retirement home. What a great turn out we had. all six of my Cubs came and two from the Wolf Den. Plus we had five of the Boy Scouts show up with three of their leaders. We all walked over to the center and Had a great time. The cards were handed out and we even sang a vespers. We went back to the church and had lots of snacks and gave out awards that the boys have been working on.
Christmas is in five days! I have off on Friday, yeah! I still need to find a couple of things for the boys but I think I am pretty much set. I have a cute story about Feret...
He needed to bring in a board game for today and I thought he found one last night but when I asked him this morning he said no. I told him that I bought him a game for christmas and that he could have it early if he wanted. He asked me how many gifts I had bought him for christmas and I told him about five. Right away he tells me "No, I'll wait for christmas!" I guess he thinks that if he only gets five presents for christmas he might as well save them all! Cute huh?
Back to Cub Scouts... I had called one of the boys that hadn't been coming every meeting on the phone and talked to his mom. He is really into football and she tells me that if it's not football that he's not interested in it. So I tried to convince her that he should come. He has two older brothers that were in scouts and his dad is a police officer so she really wants him to go. Well guess who showed up last night? Yep, it was him. I asked his mom how much bribbing it took and she said that she had a long talk with him and he decided to come. I am soo happy.
I called a friend of mine last Saturday and went to see her too. I had not seen her for about three years. I was not allowed to when I was with Rick so I thought I would see if she wanted to hang out. She said come on over and I went out to her house. We had a nice visit. She offered for us (the boys and I) to come over again so I guess she's not that mad at me for letting him control my life. Either that or she was just being nice. Either way I think I will have to take her up on that. Ta Ta for now...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:46 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Wow! A date.
Saturday was the Boy Scout car wash. They did pretty well for only asking for donations. I even sold some Cub Scout popcorn while I was there. Baby had fun playing in the puddles and getting the attention from the boys. All the adults say he's in training!
That afternoon I took Feret to Tylers and Scout went over to Timmy's house. I went home and did some crafting! I finally finished the project on Sunday night. Its a welcome sign that has a snowman and snowflakes on it. Really cute.
On Sunday I had a visitor. Danny came over with his son and then we picked up my boys and went out to dinner. It went well I think. Scout wants his son to come over again so thats a good sign. Danny is 10 years older than me but we seem to get along. Only problem is is that he is one of Ricks friends...sooo what do I do?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:19 PM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Busy, Busy, Busy
I have been very busy! Lets recap, shall we?
Scout's bike got thrown into a lake while we were away from the house. The boys in our complex, that Scout thought where his friends, all turned against him and they all know where the bike is but won't tell who did it.
Scout has found out that girls are starting to like him and are asking him out. One stated that she had three rules: You have to tell me you love me, you have to write me letters and you can buy me gifts! Cute huh?
Feret cannot live though the weekend without seeing Tyler.
I helped paint the outside of Tylers house with Kathy.
Found out that I could have my dream dog for free and I am really thinking about getting her.
Ran all over town to find clocks for a Cub Scout project only to find out that I mismeasured and had to put in another 4 hours of drilling out the hole in the back of the wood slice. The clocks turned out great by the way and all the parents loved them! Yey!
Missed Scout's first band concert but my parents went and took video.
Missed my nefews 2nd b-day party, well showed up late.
Got a three day notice to move out and scrambled to find some money in the cousions.
Found out that the boys dad is in jail for some kind of drug charges. Ha Ha Ha. I told you you were a drug addict.
Did I miss anything, I don't think so...
This weekend is a fund raiser car wash for Scouts and who knows what else....
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:10 PM