Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What the heck is up with last weekend? I have to say I have been on an emotional rollercoaster.
On Saturday we started out early. A friend from scouts was having a yard sale and I brought some stuff over there to sell. Got there at about 7:30 am. Had to leave at 8:45 am to go to a scout thing. We walked around the neighborhood and handed out bags for Scouting For Food. Got done with that about 11:30 am. Went back to the yard sale and finished that up about 12:15 pm. I ended up making about $95.00 there and had a lot less to take home. My biggest sale was the baby swing for $30. I had a lady buy a lot of baby clothes and I sold a lot of baby toys too.
After the yard sale we went back to the house for a bit before we went to the pool. We spent about two hours there and of course I got burnt. Ferets friend stayed over at the house but the next morning Feret was in a terrible mood and his friend went home by 9am.
About 11am I took Feret and Baby to the store to do some grocery shopping. We were on our way back home about to turn on our street when I get pullled over by the police. I apparently did not pay a seat belt ticket a few months back and I had a suspended license. He gives me a break and asked if I had someone to pick me and the kids up. I call my Dad and we load everything into his car. My car gets towed and I have to find a ride to get all this taken care of. The officer said that if I didn't have the kids in the car I would have gone to jail!
So the boys missed out on seeing their Dad and they were pissed at me. I had to call my Ex-Step-mother-in-law (for the record Rick and I were never married and Nancy is married to his Dad) Anyway she agreed to taking me around town to get my license back and to get the car. It took five hours! I made it to work at 3pm. But I am all legal Eagle now so I guess it was worth it, at least I didn't have to ask her for money!
Tuesday was a Den meeting night and it went really well besides the fact that some of the boys were late and my son did not even come. We ended up making bridges out of toothpicks and caramel. The boys had a great time.
Thursday is our Pack meeting and we have a guest speaker coming. I met him at the Boy Scout meeting on Monday and he is really good. Scout had to interview someone for communication merit badge and he did a great job. He acctually came to the meeting to discuss the bike rodeo we are doing at the scout show. He works with the police dept as a community awareness deputy. I don't know his actual title so I'm kind of winging it. sorry! Anyway our Pack of Cub Scouts and the Troop of Boy Scouts are helping him put this on at the Scout show in May. So he is coming to let us know how we can help.
By the way Scout assed his Board of Review on Moday and is now a First Class Scout. Yeah!
My friend Danny came over on Monday night just as we were leaving for scouts and he told me that he had a heart attack and booth his kidneys and his liver failed. Now I know what your thinking How can you call someone your friend and not know that that happened. Thing is I am very shy and I don't usually call anyone unless I have news that I know that that person wants to hear. On top of that Danny wheres a hearing aid and he can't hear shit on the phone! So I hope that explains why I did not know. Anyway he told me that he has to do dialisis four times a week and each time he has to be there for four hours. Wow that really stinks.
I better go now. Talk to ya'll later

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Ok, I have worked at this mirror and glass place for 2 and a half years and today is a first. I cut myself on a piece of glass! Can you believe it?
I had some questions on an order that came in wrong and asked Tom what the deal was. He showed me the pieces that needed to be returned and we were moving them to a central spot in the shop. He moved the first one and I grabbed the second one and as I grabbed it I noticed a faint stinging in my right hand. Felt like a paper cut. I only had to move the piece about four feet but that was enough. I could feel the weight of the glass slide into my fingers. On the palm side of my hand right where my fingers crease I have three cuts on my index, middle, and ring fingers. Hurts like hell. Then a little while later I was showing it to Tommy (different than Tom) and he suggested that I put alchohol on it. I told him no way, that will sting. He promised that it will hurt for a minute but then it will feel better. I told him again no and slowly held out my hand. Holy crap that stings. I can't beleive I just did that. I was shaking my hand and he tells me to blow on it. About a minute later I had no pain so I guess it was worth it. But it sure did hurt.
I have seen some really bad cuts around here. One guy that was delivering some glass came into the office and asked for a bandaid. His cut was about four inches long and he couldn't get it to stop bleeding. I said are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital and he tells me no it'll be fine. That was the last time I seen him.
Another guy had just gotten married the week before but did not take any time off for a honeymoon. He was cutting some glass in the shop on Friday morning and a piece jumped off the table and attacked his leg. No one saw the attack but he was out of work for three months and then we found out that he wasn't worth a shit so we never hired him back. Everyone agreed that he just wanted some time off to be with his peribian wife.

Not too much else going on in my neck of the woods. Noel has asked me to marry him several times and he has even set a date, April 22. I'll try to keep ya posted on that but since we have not even dated I don't see this happening!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We had a fun meeting last night!

The boys in my den are starting to work on the engineer activity pin and last night was a good start.

On Monday I was looking for some ideas for making a catapult on line and found a sort of sling shot thing the boys could make by lashing some wood and adding rubber bands. It was an idea that stuck with me for the rest of the day. That night I had a parent meeting for the troop but Baby was being more difficult than usual so I left early and took him for a ride in the car. We went to a hardware store just down the street to waste some time. I found some small pullies and then I remembered that great idea. I bought some string and wood stakes, the kind you use for tomatoes. I had the guy cut the wood for me. Then I went back to the meeting and picked up Scout.

Last night, Tuesday, I brought my supplies and started talking to the boys about the pin we would be working on. I showed them the drawings I found online and they were really excited about it. So we started to make the huge sling shot. I had each of them helping with building it. It was a little difficult for them to do the lashings by themselves but with my help they finished in just under an hour. All the while they kept asking who was going to take it home. They all wanted to keep it at their house. Finally finished they each took a turn using it. Our meeting usually end at 8 o'clock but this one kept going till all the boys had two turns. To say the least, the boys really enjoyed this one.

On a sad note, one of my scouts came to the meeting late and told us he would not be coming anymore due to the fact he was moving to another town. The boys were a little saddened by this. They asked him if he was still staying in their school and if they would still see him there. He did not even stay for two minutes. But he said bye to everyone and brought us the Den Staff. He was the Denner last month and they get to bring the Den Staff home each week and carve their name into it. The Den Staff is also used to hold all the beads for attendance. Each time a scout comes to a meeting he gets five beads. He earns two more beads for wearing his uniform.

On another note, we finally got the internet hooked up at home. And even though it is cable and not dial-up the boys still say its too slow. figures!

I need to start planning for the Pack meeting at the end of the month. We will definattly be bringing the sling shot. And we will have the trophies for pinewood derby to hand out too. Wonder what else we could do?...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

attention race fans

Feret had his District Pinewood Derby last night. There were tons of people there. You could hardly walk through the place. It was held at the mall in a large hallway. The track was set up on one side and it was on a platform. I could not even see it from where we were! We watched the first couple of races then we went to get something to eat in the food court. When we came back we noticed that the people had really cleared out. I guess we took a while eating cause the races were almost over. I looked on the table where the cars were and seen Ferets car there. Next to it was a 3rd place trophy, a patch, and a metal. He had won third place and we missed it. I got the attention of one of the guys behind the rope and asked if they were done with his car. He made a point to congradulate Feret and handed us the car and trophy. Feret really liked the trophy, he even posed for a picture, which is not like him to gather attention to himself.
After the race we went to visit my mom in the hospital. She had back surgery on Monday and had a problem with the pain medication they gave her. She was feeling better though. Feret brought his trophy with him to show Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was really happy since he helped Feret cut the wood for the car. We stayed for a bit then went home because Baby was getting into everything and pushing buttons. Plus Mom was falling asleep and the boys had school in the morning.
I called the school to find out if I could put an anouncment about our recent races. They had already put out the March issue (even though I have not seen it yet). So it won't get in till April 1st. Maybe some parents will see the newsletter and join their son up for scouting! Couldn't hurt.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I almost forgot about the car

I did get a new (to me) car. I ended up buying my nefews car, a blue camry. It's way too small has no air or radio and has one white door. Not that I'm complaining that my brother Kevin ripped me off or anything. But, he could have dropped the price down to what the car is actually worth. It also needs (right away) an alignment, balance and rotation of the wheels and two new side view mirrors. Oh and did I mention the breaks need new rotors?
Anyway it's a cute (read that - small) car that will get me to work and scouts and anywhere else I need to go.

I went last saturday to do the wheel stuff to the same place I got my tires at for my last car. The guy tells us (Scout, Baby, and I) that it will be about 1 1/2 to two hours. So we walked accross the six lanes of traffic to a plaza and window shopped at Radio Shack and Goodwill. Found nothing. About an hour and a half later we make it back across the street (keep in mind that I did not have my stroller for the baby and I was exhasted from holding him). Only to see my car still parked in the same spot. So I go in and ask what is going on and he tells me he will check on it. Ten minutes later he comes back and says they are working on it now. So we sit in the waiting room and watch some t.v. Scout had changed the channel and then the guy changed it back. Never even asked if we were watching it or anything! So Baby was getting into too much stuff and falling off chairs so I thought I would take him outside. Lo and behold when I get outside My car is still sitting there. So I march back in and ask him what is going on and he goes outside to check. He comes back in and informs me that my car keys started up another camry and that is where the mistake was.

Wait a minute, did he just say my keys started up another car? I didn't think that that was possible. So he tells me that I will have to wait a little longer and I told him that I need to go and that I would be back some other day when there was not another camry to confuse my car with. Damn I was pissed. The baby needed changed and Scout wanted to go to the mall. I hadn't had a car for a week and I had to waste 2 hours on a Saturday to get nothing done.

I still have not gotted the thing fixed and now my key is acting up. It is really difficult to put in and I spend five minutes trying every time I get into that car. So, do I go back to the same place or forget about him and go somewhere else?

I am happy to have wheels again and maybe I am just stressed about the whole ordeal but my goodness will something go right for once?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm an ass man...

I think thats a theme song for a wrestler...could be wrong tho. Anyway I'll get to my point.
My brother Brad is serving in Iraq for the Army. He's been in the Army since he stepped out of high school in 87'. He is serving his third term in Iraq and he has also been in the Gulf war. Needless to say he's a Veteran of our wonderful country. His duty in Iraq is fueling airplanes and ground vehicles on a makeshift airport. Last time I talked to him he built a tower for the guys working with his crew.

My Mom just called me and told me that he was given a new title for his job. And just keep in mind that to make things easier (or secretive?) the Army used abreveations for everything. ie: pt = personal training and ssg = staff sargent. Anyway, back to his new title... Airfield Service Supervisor otherwise known as ASS.

Aparently the guys he works with are really on him about this. They try to work ASS into every conversation. Like two guys will be discussing something and the one guy will say "I'm not sure, you will have to ask my ASS." So again needless to say my brother Brad is the Butt of the joke. Yes, pun intended.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he is in on it too. Brad always makes me laugh. He will go on and on about something and then you realise that it is totally false and he was just seeing how much you would believe. He knows my Mom is very gulibleso he really yanks her chain. He is always joking around. The last time he was down in July 05' He was fishing with the kids out back at my Moms house and he comes running in with a fish hook hanging out of his mouth and yelling for help. Yep it was a joke.

Hey I just thought of something maybe he was just yanking Moms chain again. Who cares anyway, its funny as all get out! I can't wait for a call from Brad. I miss him terribly.