Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What the heck is up with last weekend? I have to say I have been on an emotional rollercoaster.
On Saturday we started out early. A friend from scouts was having a yard sale and I brought some stuff over there to sell. Got there at about 7:30 am. Had to leave at 8:45 am to go to a scout thing. We walked around the neighborhood and handed out bags for Scouting For Food. Got done with that about 11:30 am. Went back to the yard sale and finished that up about 12:15 pm. I ended up making about $95.00 there and had a lot less to take home. My biggest sale was the baby swing for $30. I had a lady buy a lot of baby clothes and I sold a lot of baby toys too.
After the yard sale we went back to the house for a bit before we went to the pool. We spent about two hours there and of course I got burnt. Ferets friend stayed over at the house but the next morning Feret was in a terrible mood and his friend went home by 9am.
About 11am I took Feret and Baby to the store to do some grocery shopping. We were on our way back home about to turn on our street when I get pullled over by the police. I apparently did not pay a seat belt ticket a few months back and I had a suspended license. He gives me a break and asked if I had someone to pick me and the kids up. I call my Dad and we load everything into his car. My car gets towed and I have to find a ride to get all this taken care of. The officer said that if I didn't have the kids in the car I would have gone to jail!
So the boys missed out on seeing their Dad and they were pissed at me. I had to call my Ex-Step-mother-in-law (for the record Rick and I were never married and Nancy is married to his Dad) Anyway she agreed to taking me around town to get my license back and to get the car. It took five hours! I made it to work at 3pm. But I am all legal Eagle now so I guess it was worth it, at least I didn't have to ask her for money!
Tuesday was a Den meeting night and it went really well besides the fact that some of the boys were late and my son did not even come. We ended up making bridges out of toothpicks and caramel. The boys had a great time.
Thursday is our Pack meeting and we have a guest speaker coming. I met him at the Boy Scout meeting on Monday and he is really good. Scout had to interview someone for communication merit badge and he did a great job. He acctually came to the meeting to discuss the bike rodeo we are doing at the scout show. He works with the police dept as a community awareness deputy. I don't know his actual title so I'm kind of winging it. sorry! Anyway our Pack of Cub Scouts and the Troop of Boy Scouts are helping him put this on at the Scout show in May. So he is coming to let us know how we can help.
By the way Scout assed his Board of Review on Moday and is now a First Class Scout. Yeah!
My friend Danny came over on Monday night just as we were leaving for scouts and he told me that he had a heart attack and booth his kidneys and his liver failed. Now I know what your thinking How can you call someone your friend and not know that that happened. Thing is I am very shy and I don't usually call anyone unless I have news that I know that that person wants to hear. On top of that Danny wheres a hearing aid and he can't hear shit on the phone! So I hope that explains why I did not know. Anyway he told me that he has to do dialisis four times a week and each time he has to be there for four hours. Wow that really stinks.
I better go now. Talk to ya'll later

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