Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's done...

I went to court today. When it was our turn to go up he was kissin' so much ass that his face was brown. He told the judge that he didn't blame me for doing this and that he was tring to get off the coke and getting help. I was kinda laughed at because this isn't the first time that we have had a restraining order. I politly told the Judge that I was well aware of the fact that the courts are not going to stand behind me if they think I am going to cry wolf every other year.
The judge was done with us and he dismissed us then the assistant reminded him that we have three children and he called us back up to the stand. Turns out that they have a program to exchange the kids without seeing each other. So we were given a card to call and we were all done.
In the meantime while you wait for your case to come up, you get to listen to all the cases before you. There was this one lady and man that she said he threatened her life over a car that he loaned her. Funny part came when the Judge asked how they knew each other. The girl says that the man is her brother. The man said he's not. then another guy comes up and he said that he is her brother. When the Judge asked him how he was related to the other man he said "he's my brother I mean friend". This threw the court into giggles. He then requested a translator because he didn't understand the question. All three were from South America somewhere. They are tring to get birth cert. but are having a problem. then the girl says she has another witness, her sister so the Judge says bring her in, but they could not find her. The Judge said he is going to turn the case over to the feds to find out who is who. But noone changed their story. I guess you had to be there. It was funny.
So I get back to work and call the number on the card I was given for exchanging the kids and they tell me that it will cost me $40 for an interview and every time we change kids it will cost $50. They have got to be kidding, right. I am not paying for him to see the kids. That is out of the question. I go on tuesday afternoon so I guess I will find out then.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Wow, this week went by fast.

I can't believe its Friday already! I have not heard word one from him. I just don't know what to do with myself. I talked to my mom yesterday and she said that my dad saw him working on a job site this week. I will have to report that to the domestic violence unit. I didn't know the name of the company that he was working for and now I do. talk to ya soon...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What a quiet weekend

I picked up the injunction on Friday afternoon and havn't heard from him since. On saturday the boys and I went to the beach for a 3 mile hike and a treasure hunt. We met up with some kids from scouts and one of the other moms hid the treasure before hand. The boys collected shells and followed a pirates map. We also picked up garbage on the way (got a whole bag full).
That afternoon the boys invited over two friends and they stayed the night. I can't believe that I would rather deal with five kids than with their dad. The boys ended up making a fort in thier closet (that still hasn't come down) and playing dark tag (you turn off all the lights and "it" has to find you in the dark. They stayed up till about 3:30am.
We all went to the pool on sunday and then back to the house for Playstation. It was great. I did have one of the moms checking in on us though. she came by on saturday night when I was cooking dinner and when she seen that things were ok she left. The visiters were gone by about 4pm on sunday.
I think he called once on monday morning but I just hung up. I'll never know if it was him really but noone called back to say I hung up on them. I think he was just checking to see if I was at work. I go to court on the 28th. I hope they serve him by then.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Well I did it!

Last night when I got home I heard the sound of his motorcycle coming down the road. I sat in the car and thought "here we go again". He came up to the door and followed me up to the front door of the house. I told him that he was not coming in and after he could see that I was not kidding he left. I went inside and locked all the doors.
I was really worried because the kids were still outside but I had nothing to worry about. Between them and their friends they took care of themselves. He went over to where they were playing and told them that I had lost my key and he needed theirs to help me get in. What a jerk. My kids didn't fall for it. In fact when they saw him coming they gave the key to another boy to hold onto knowing that he wouldn't ask him for it. Smart cookies they are, huh?
He came back to the apartment and was banging on all the doors and windows. He went to the back of the house and picked up a scooter and was going to throw it through the sliding glass door. He thought better of it though. Instead he lifted up on one of the doors and broke into the house with me and the baby inside. I demanded that he leave and he picked up the baby and started to talk to him. I said thats it and started for the door. Since I don't have a phone at the house I made him think there was a phone at the clubhouse. He tried to stop me from going and told me to calm down. I knew he wouldn't take the baby cause he was on a motorcycle but I didn't want to leave him either. He finally left again and then the kids came running home. They were screaming "he's coming back, he's coming back". We locked all the doors again and he was trying to get our 9 year old to open the doors. after about another half hour of him running from the front to the back he finally left for good.
A couple of the kids friends came over to discuss the event and I was glad that they didn't treat the boys badly. They saw right through their dad and tried to help the boys. The kid that had the key said he tried to hold dad up a min. when the boys were running home. he told him that he didn't like the was he was acting and to leave. What a brave kid. I made sure to thank them all.
Well today the 9 year old had a dentist apt. at 9:30am. So before that we went to the sheriffs dept. I wanted to file some kind of stalking report but they told me that I needed an injunction first and you have to do that at the courthouse. So, yeah we went to the courthouse and I filed the report. I find out at 4pm if the judge signs it or not.
Since I got back to work at 11 this morning, He has call several times even though I have hung up on him. He had his brother calling asking if he was going to jail. And I just got off the phone with his mother. She says I can trust her and that she has disowned him but I don't know how far I can throw her, ya know? I didn't tell her one way or the other if I pressed charges or not, just kind of hinted that I should. She said she doesn't blame me. I have about another hour before I find out and he still has to get served with the papers.
Wish me luck...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

And again this morning...

He never showed last night. Just as I had thought but here he was again this morning.
I was up late last night getting stuff ready for a cubscout meeting tonight. So I banged on the snooze for a while this morning. Just as I was about to get rolling out of bed he bangs on my window. I grumbled and got up threw some shorts on and went to the door. I asked what he wanted and he said "coffee". I told him that he can't keep doing this and he said he has every right to come here cause his family is here. I had to tell him to keep his voice down and he plowed into the apartment.
He proceeded to make coffee and I'm just standing there thinking to myself "this has got to stop". I went and took a shower. When I got out I heard him asking our 9 year old if anyone has been at the house. He said"no" and Dad asked him "are you telling me the truth"? and he said "yes".
As I was making bottles and streightening up the kitchen he kept on arguing with me. At one point I got the dreadful finger in the face and threats that I usually get. I was putting the garbage out and he would not let me back into the house.
At one point I said to him that I was afraid that I was going to end up in the dumpster one day and the boys won't have a mother. I got yelled at for that one. On top of all this my 11 year old has finally told his dad that he doesn't like him and wants me to get a restraining order. I called the womens shelter today and the person I need to speak with is not in till tuesday. I don't want to get the police involved but it may just come down to that.
Just a bit ago he came up to my work and told me he was coming over for a few min. this afternoon. What? I don't get no say in this. I got more threats about my job and home. The problem I have is I don't have a phone at home so I can't call for help if I need to.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

He didn't show...

...up last night which is a great thing, but I sat stressing about it the whole night.

I was at work untill 6pm waiting for the guys to get back to the shop so I could lock up. Then I had to pick up one son from daycare and the baby from my mom's. When I got home my other son was at the pool so I couldn't ask him if "dad" came by or not. I started to defrost some steaks for dinner and rolled the highchair into the kitchen so I could feed the baby and cook at the same time. I'm talented. Finally finished with both at about quarter to eight and sent my 9 year old to fetch the 11 year old at the pool. I think they both will be taking the bus home today, I think they will be alright as long as "dad" dosen't find out. He will shit if he does.

He was at the house at 6am this morning. I had just woken up and was only wearing a t-shirt and panties so when I heard the motorcycle comming down the street I raced into the bedroom and threw on some shorts. Sure enough he came knocking on my bedroom window. I went to the front door asked him what he wanted. He said he was going to work and made me tell him good luck. The baby started to sing as he usually does and right away he asked if he could hold him. I said fine but he had to be changed first. He then went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I think he is getting a little to used to coming over and doing what he wants. Before he left he also made me give him a hug. He cornered me in the bathroom while I was doing my hair and he would not let me out.

He has informed me that he is coming over tonight to see the boys. I prey that he won't but he will. I think sometimes he tells me that he's coming over just so that I won't go anywhere, you know what I mean. He can't call me when I'm at home and if he tells me that he is coming over and he does and I'm not there he will just hound me about it the next time I do see him. So do I take it now or later that's the question.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

five times today

He called five times already today and twice I was on the other line and my boss hung up on him! Boy am I gonna hear about that tonight. He says he wants to come over tonight to see the boys even though we had decided on Wednesday. He has moved out to his dads house cause his mom kicked him out. more later...

Monday, April 11, 2005

when will this all stop

I know that you won't know what I am talking about at first since I have started this a little late in the game. But, I really really need to get this out there.
He just called me, for the second time, today. He told me that he promises to get a job and he wants his "baby back". How can I posibly trust him? I am extreamly fed up with everything he does. We decided that he would see the boys on wednesday now he says he'll see them tomorrow.? I cant have all this stress when hes around forever. I wish I could start over and not have seen anything but cant change that can I? I keep giving him choices that he will never deserve and he still refuses to do them. He constantly says he's sorry. (well that is true). ok got to run
catch you all later...