Friday, April 11, 2008

Life is funny. I have been reading other blogs and wondering why nobody is posting, only to realise maybe it's because I have not posted for a week and a half. Duh!

Moving on. I can't tell if my world is going to the dogs or it's just a bad day. Not today in particular, mind you. Today is fine so far. Last night we realised at 10pm that we had not packed for the two boys to go camping and they are leaving right after I get off work today. So we (the two boys and I) did not get to sleep till midnight. I think this weekend I am going to rearange some things in the storage/camping area of my porch. Everything was everywhere and I don't like that!

We survived spring break! Jarrett was at Tyler's and Ricky was home most of the time. He went to Timmy's a couple of days and Lewis' for a day. It was kinda not their choice not to be home cause the car was being crappy, again.
See on Monday the 31st I had to call a tow truck cause the car would not start. So it gets fixed (new starter) on Tuesday (in the pouring rain) and after it was fixed, Rick put some air in the tire cause it was flat and the tire blew out. It was time for a new tire but I had just spent all my extra money on the starter and have no spare. So Dad came everyday to take me to work and pick me up again. Till Thursday, when my Grandma decided that she would buy me a tire. Yay Grandma! Now the car is fixed.

I got my water bill this week. Its twice as much as the first month I was there. I told Rick that he needs to cut back on the water and he agreed. See he has to watch Chase for me and it has been easier for him to do it at my house. I have not paid him anything except for buying him cigarettes. And he fixed my car. I still hate him though. But I try to be civil.

We'll see what happens next month...

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