Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I'm still here...

I know I havn't written in about a week and a half but I really have nothing to say.
This site really helped me heal and I am very thankful for that. I have been very buzy with the boys. They are very time consuming. I keep wondering if it will always be like this. I mean, from the time I get home from work it's all about them. I am not saying that it is not supposed to be like this, but I remember some me time before. Like I used to have time to dye my hair or paint my nails. Not now, I would have to stay up till 2am to get that stuff done.
I gather the older boys to do homework and help them. Then I get dinner started and let them know the plans for the night (ie: scouts, store) After dinner is done I feed the baby. (If he hasn't eaten while I was cooking) The boys are catching the last bit of sunlight outside and I have to round them up. Then it's bathtime and then quiet games. After that I'm beat, off to bed. Where in the above schedule is time for a relationship or friends?
The reason I have this idea is because my mom mentioned to me that our church has a singles group. How dare her! Yeah, rub it in a little more mom. Thanks

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