Friday, August 05, 2005


Yesterday afternoon when we were closing up, some of the guys here at work brought a six pack of beer in. I had a beer and thought nothing of it. When I came in this morning Tommy was in Garys office and I hear him telling him that I was drinking on the job. Tommy comes over to my desk and pulles out an empty bottle of beer and the carton from my desk drawers. It was quite funny. I hope that Gary knows that Tommy is joking around.
After Gary had left for some estimates, Tommy asks me to go out back to the shop with him. Hes kinda fiddleing around and the other guys are just standing there. Then he asks me to follow him to the back of the shop. I dont suspect anything so I follow him. All of a sudden Martin comes up behind me and takes a round sticky piece of paper off my back. Not funny Tommy, are you just getting out of middle school? Turns out he had nothing for me to see in the shop and he just wanted to show the guys what he had done to my back.
I guess he's just getting back at me for making him calling one of our customers at 4:30 the other day (closing time) and him being here on the phone with her till 5:30 with a problem she is having with a shower in Michigan. I thought that was pretty funny! Although it wasn't what my intention was. He is quite a talker. I do still have tomatoe hanging on my bulitin board from when he was flinging them at me! I really need to clean it off!
This guy just stopped in here that bought a building a few doors down asking about the neighborhood. I said that we havn't had any problems at all. But I did mention that you had to, on occasion, swerve around the swat cars on the street. We have had a trailer burn down and a rape that turned into a murder. But as far a business goes, not one single problem.
Note to self: Remind Gary to get another dead bolt for the front door...maybe some cameras for the shop and sign up with the alarm system again...

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