Friday, August 12, 2005

Pumpkin Pie

So I went to the Kick-off Dinner for scouts last night. I brought Kathy with me and we had a pretty good time. I begged and pleaded for some help recruiting new scouts. And I am told it is taken care of. I sure hope so. I am doing all I can to get ready for this coming year in scouts. I have planned out our year somewhat and I will meet with Ronda on Sunday to do the rest. She is not going to do the leader thing this year and I'm the only other leader left so something has got to be done. On the other hand I already signed the boys in my den to do a skit and I am so exited about it!
Baby had a Dr's apt. today and he is all good. 20 pounds and 28 inches. Now I have to get a new car seat for him! He got a shot and yep he cried! But just till the nurse left the room.
Found out that Feret has the same teacher as he did last year. He should be happy. I think tonight I will take Scout shopping for school clothes and a car seat for Baby then have all day tomorrow to streighten up the house.
Tata for now...

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