Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"You what?"

I had my first Den meeting last night for the forth grade Webelos Scouts. Only five showed out of eight. Not bad considering that two of the three that did not show up do not speak very much english. I don't know if they understood what I was telling them on the phone.
Scout, our Den Cheif, did a name game and then we did our opening ceromony. We then had the boys elect a Denner. Guess who won...Feret. So my big plan to have one of the other kids responsible for the spirt staff had failed. But I'm proud that my son was elected.
After that we practiced the skit that we are preforming on Saturday. We picked who was going to do what and we ran through it about ten times. I then thought they had had enough so I told them to go get some cupcakes and juice. When everyone was done I had one boy come up to me and tell me that he was going out of town on Saturday and he could not make it to the skit. I said "You what?" I mean we only had this one meeting to practice and he was a big part of the skit. I also told him to have a safe trip and see you on Tuesday. I was not mean to the boy at all so don't take it that way. But I was kinda upset...Now I only have four boys to do the skit and I have to figure out who is going to take his place.
I told Feret and Scout about it on the way home and Feret said he could do it. That's my boy ..takeing one for the team, no wonder they elected him! : )

1 comment:

tallyho said...

oh, by the way the carpet peeps came out yesterday to tack down the carpet and take the fans away. They were also supposed to clean the carpets but they didn't! I hope they are doing it today...I mean its been 9 days that I have been stuck in the kids room. Its almost like I lived through the just kidding...