Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am in a hate/hate relationship with the GM at my work. We will talk to each other and stuff but I really hate this guy. He will go to all lengths to start an argument with me when he knows I don't agree with him.

Like the other day when he tells me that he wants to sue the pool company that installed his pool cause he had to wait for them to finish and then he had to take a week off of work and it was an inconvienience for him. Well I said, "Suing people is for wrongful death not inconvienienced people". He argued that the county would stand up for him and they have been after this guy too. So what, your pool is finished within a years time and you went with the cheapest guy in town what do you expect?

Next he tells me that a biker died cause someone t-boned them. Really sad story but I had to ask if the biker was wearing a helmet...No! So I made a comment that they should have. He went off on me saying he was going to tell his wife that and she will be really happy with me if something happens to him...(He doesn't wear a helmet when riding his Harley) so I said "well then wear a helmet"! He proceeded to ask if my car had air bags and I walked away. Went out to my car and powered up my windows, completely ignoring him. When I came back in he was crouching behind a file cabinet so that when I came into the office he scared the shit out of me. He said maybe if I was wearing a helmet I would not be scared!? Then, in response to a call about going to a customers house for a measure, he informed me that he would "come" tonight.

I just asked him to make sure to wear his "helmet"!

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