Friday, September 21, 2007

for Deb and Stephen

Why is this not working...errrrr...Dangnabbit...What the....

I had a great picture to share for a blogger named Deb at boondoggled and for Stephen King.
(hope I did that right)
Of course we all know that a couple of days ago it was talk like a pirate day and Deb loves that. And we also all know that today is Stephen Kings Birthday. So I had a picture of a pirate with clown makeup on while writing a book called "How to make your Booty Thinner" (which is kind of odd due to the fact that either "booty" is more likely better "bigger" these days) And it was saved using the wrong gif or something like that. anyway...I tried.

Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!
Happy Stephen King Day!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Oh man, that sounds so cool. hehe