Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, Over!


My wonderful, soon to be 14 year old, son has decided that he is not going to school today. Yeah he says he does not have a shirt to wear. I spent a couple of hours doing laundry this weekend while he played on the computer and spent time with his friends going to the movies, but, no he has no shirts to wear. I hope you are ready for a rant cause this is B. S. And its not that his clothes aren't nicely cleaned and hung up on hangers in our closet. Its the fact that they are the wrong shirts hung up in our closet. They are not the right brand of shirt in our closet. See when the school year started the boys were supposed to go to the school that had uniforms , which is just navy blue or tan bottoms and polo type shirts in white, blue, or yellow. So he has a lot of blue and white polo shirts, but no shirts that he can wear to the new school. Middle to upper class families go to the new school. They all are "preppy" and "surfer" and "jocks". My son is not any of those. He is more "hip hop" or "gangsta". (which is not me by any means) He is refusing to go to school in a uniform shirt when he is not at a uniform school. He thinks all the kids will think he is not "kewl". He told me that one of the kids has already said something about his shorts. They are Dickies but we got them at wal-mart and the kid says that they are fake. I am so at a loss for words! (trust me on this). I tell him to put on one of the grey solid colored ones and he says that thats not good enough either. I took away his computer and he threw a major fit. He threw a water bottle at me and it hit me in the cheek. Finally I just said to him that I was very late for work and I needed to go. And that if he was not willing to go to school today that I would be home from work at the regular time and I'd talk to him then. I really dont know what to do. I dont have the money to spend on more shirts. And he cant stay home all week. I really dont know what to do.


Deb said...

How did you handle this? My daughter did the same thing when she was in school.. she figured out that if she refused to go there was nothing on God's green earth we could do about it, short of abuse. She was about his age at the time as well.

I feel your pain.

tallyho said...

He didn't go to school that day but when I got home my Mom agreed to give him his Birthday money a week early and we ran out to Bealls to buy a few shirts. On top of all this he missed school on Friday too due to a fall he took in PE on Thursday! And today (Monday) I got a call from my Mom saying that both boys are still home at 11:30am. I'm gonna be in soooo much trouble with the school...