Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter everyone!

FYI...The spider was put to death by shoe.

Last week my Mom invited me and the boys over for Easter. Then she calls me on Friday and lets me know that plans have changed and that I will be doing lunch at my house and only Dad will be coming. Someone has to stay with Grandma and mom doesn't drive anymore so dad is coming. But I needed to come over on Saturday morning to take Mom shopping for food and stuff for baskets. I loved the idea of getting Mom out of the house so I agreed.
So I go out to Moms on Saturday morning and we head out to the craft store Joann's. Mom hangs out in the scrap booking section while I wonder over to the fabrics and get some backing fabric for a project that I want to start on. Next we head over to Party city to find almost nothing left for Easter. I did find an egg tray and a hat for Chase. After that we get some lunch at Arby's and then Mom says she is finished for the day. We were supposed to go to Wal-Mart but I ended up going solo.
I finally finish all my shopping and I head for home at about 4pm. When I got home I hunted for the Easter baskets everywhere. I did finally find them after I remembered I was going to sell them in my yard sale. So I got the baskets all made up and the 120 plastic eggs all filled with candy and put away on top of the fridge.
Jarrett finds his way home and I go round up the other two boys and we end up watching a movie before going to bed. About 3am I woke up and hid the baskets. At 9am Chase wakes up and he finds his basket and he gets the other two boys to find theirs. We then colored five dozen eggs and I start working on getting lunch ready while cleaning up after Chase. I so wish he would not touch and move everything in sight.
Dad comes over and I put him to work on cutting the ham. We had a great lunch and even had cake for desert. I showed him my new toy, the DSi, and we had fun taking pictures with it. It has a feature that lets you know if you're related to the other person. Ricky and I are like 23% related, siblings. Jarrett and I are 12% cousins. Dad and I are 1% and unrelated. I always thought I was adopted, lol. Anyway its fun to play with.
So Dad heads home and the boys are nagging me to take them to gamestop. So we head out and back and thats when I came to the conclusion that someone forgot to hide the plastic eggs for chase to find. Darn it.

Maybe tomorrow...

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