Sunday, April 19, 2009

My nephew, Joey came over today to play with Chase. I don't know why Chase is only wearing underwear and cowboy boots but they seemed to be having fun doing stunts in the mustang.

They also thought the hammock was a sinking ship.

Jarrett, Chase and I went to visit my brother Kevin at his fire station. Here is Jarrett all decked out and ready to jump on the fire truck.

They even had a smaller uniform for Chase. Although he thought it was cool at first, when Uncle Kevin suggested we get some pictures inside the truck he immediately thought is was stupid and wanted out of it. Then later he was in the back seat and Uncle Kevin jumped into the front, Chase demanded that he don't take him anywhere. He must have thought he was not experienced enough to do the job.

I like to make things that are somewhat made already. I mean like I like when I can see the final product and work toward that. So I spotted this bag at wal-mart that came with iron on stuff. I thought that was perfect for me to do. So here is the front of my bag.

And this is what I put on the back. Its the start of my favorite song in the whole world...God I sound like I'm 12 years old. But I can bet you that If you ever say these words to me I will smile and start to bob my head and sing the rest of the song right then. FYI it's blister in the sun by the violent femmes. Just a coincedence, I was watching some movie previews and I heard my song. Turns out that the movie Rocket Science uses it and another favorite; kiss off. I tried to watch it on the computer, but the vidio thing is not working, so then I went to the library. They have it but when I tried to check it out they told me I owe $66.00 in fees cause they had to replace four movies that I checked out in December of 07. So finally I went to Hollywood video and just rented the darn thing. I also rented Juno. Both are good. Juno had me crying like a baby and Rocket Science had me singing. God I really need help ;)

This is what dinner looks like at my house. The green stuff is spinich. I like it but the boys don't.

This is my Dad posing with the Easter cake.

And here is Chase posing with the Easter cake...Ya know, maybe I should buy him some clothes or something. He's going to have a hard time when he goes to school and has to keep them on for more that an hour.

So thats some of the stuff I've been doing.

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