Friday, June 22, 2007

What have you been doing?

I have no idea where I have been.

Just latley I have been playing a game called RuneScape. Its an online multi-player game with a midevil theme. It rocks! My kids have been playing for a couple of years but I have only just started sometime before easter. Scout, my oldest, knows everything about RS. He even says "ask me anything about RS" He goes on the forums and chats and cheats and everything. I just play the game. I'm already a level 45 and I'm not a member. (Both the boys pay 5 bucks a month to be members, which has more stuff you can do) So don't call me a noob! Scout is an 84 and Feret is an 87 but Scout is better at all the other skills.

Rick is still a pain in the arse! He went so far as to call the gym this morning. He asked them to tell me to call him! WTF! He had been doing ok for a couple of weeks but then last Saturday I was picking up the baby and he said something about us having sex it the car right in front of the boys! I left in two seconds flat. And he has not stopped calling since then. Non stop all day and night. I turn off my phone and he calls the gym?!? I don't know what to do, even when I talk to him he's not satisfied. He is susposed to go see some shrink but tells me they are too expensive. Now he thinks I am seeing someone at work. He wants to come up here at 4:30 when I get off. I tried to tell him no but he will probably show up anyway. He says that he wont let me or the boys go to summer camp in NC next week. He really cant stop me but he is getting out of control!

Oh I didn't tell you...Yeah I'm going to Summer camp this year with Scout and Feret! I am soooo excited. While we are in NC both my brothers Chris and Brad will come to see us. Chris lives in NC and brad lives in KY but will be on vacation in TN while we are there. I cant wait to see them. On the way up we will be stopping in GA to camp one night then on to NC where we will spend a week at summer camp doing mile swims and merit badges and campfires! After a week there we are going white water rafting on the Nanahala! Then back home!

I guess I didn't tell you that both boys passed in school either. Wow we really needed to catch up didn't we? Yeah they both passed. Feret will be in 6th grade and Scout in 8th. Feret was one of about 6 kids to recieve a Presidential Certificate of Education signed by President Bush. We told him that this was just another sign that he is going to be Governor. He just smiles and says "I know"! We were really worried that Scout was not going to pass cause he missed so much school for being sick and oss for misbehaving. But he somehow pulled it off. I am proud of both of them!

If anyone knows how to potty train a baby, please let me know. I need to know where to start...He's 2 yrs 8 months now and he knows when he needs to get changed but he will not sit on the potty. He cries when I try to make him sit on it. Help!

Well hope you had your fill,

1 comment:

Deb said...

I had that problem with potty training my daughter. I moved the potty out into the living room and she would sit there while she watched tv. Not a fun process, but I guess it worked - she's been potty trained for 20 years now.
