Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tomorrow is Baby's third birthday. I am so excited about it. I am sending him to day care with party hats and blowers and candy and goodie bags. Then when I pick him up I am going camping without any kids. You see there is this Boy Scout training this weekend that I promised DeeAnn that I would go with her. On top of the Birthday thing I am going to miss out on going to the Swamp Buggy Races. I have been going to those since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Ah well, Theres always next year.

Did I tell you all what my Grandma got for Baby? She got him a Red Mustang! He loves it. He cant wait to ride in it every day. She loves that kid to death!

We still have not gotten any holloween costumes yet. I hate waiting for the last minute but I dont have a choice this year. I have a bunch in storege but I cant get to them.. grrrr!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Happy Birthday Baby!!!