Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I usually do not comment on other blogs cause I really don't think that they give a crap what Heather at tallyho_2022 is thinking. But today I responded to Miss Brit's post titled "the watchers". The reason I started this blog was to edge out my feelings about my situation with my now ex. I completely understand what it must feel like to be a watcher and what it feels like to be the watched. I can assure you that being watched is far worse that watching. Mine was not the typical beat the crap out of you kind of relationship. It was more control and conquer. Now he is pulling at strings. Now he is just waiting for me to mess up. He is hoping I mess up so he can come in and take over again. He tells me I am messing up and if I believe him just once I will fall right back into what I have worked so hard to get out of. I am not a perfect person. I am not mother of the year. I am not the most beautiful woman in the world. I am not... I do however love myself exactly like I am. I love myself. I. love. myself. Its a start.


Deb said...

What a great post.

raquel said...

I love you too.