Friday, November 02, 2007


Holy cow! What a day I had yesterday. I mean really, What mother wants to be called up and told 1). she has to pick up her son from school. and b). he has been sent to the Enhanced Assist Program for six days. Then gets another call from the Deputy saying that the other parents want to press charges. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, right here, last October.

Scout has gotten himself into another pickle. He was goofing around on the bus and before you know it someone else starts calling him names and so he nudges the kid. Then the kid pushes him back and as the bus stopped to let the kid off, Scout pushed him off the bus and he falls to the ground and bruises his abdoman. Scout gets arrested and taken to the juvinial detention center where I have to pick him up late last night. Now he has a court date and one count of battery on his record.

Of course when his dad got wind of it he called and wanted to talk to him. I flat out told him NO and demanded that he leave me and the boys alone and blamed the whole thing on him and his past abuse towards all of us. (Scout did end up calling him and of course I am to blame and acording to Rick .."if we only get back together everything will work itslf out")...blah blah blah...!

Scout was taking the whole thing as if he is the victim. He wants me to press charges for the other kid pushing him. I'm afraid that he sees this as joke and it's not that big of a deal. I just hope he sees the err of his ways...Do not put your hands on anyone else. period!

I am taking this fairly well. I didn't cry this time, but I'm not at risk for getting kicked out of my apartment this time either. I am disappointed that he is not taking this seriously. We didn't get home till 9:30 last night so I have not had a chance to talk to him about what his punishment is. We had to get up at 5am this morning to catch his bus to the other school (EA). If he takes the bus home he will have to walk two and a half miles to get home. He'll have lots of time to think then.

In other news, Baby was Batman for holloween and just today (two whole days after holloween) he let me take off his bottoms to the costume. He is still wearing the top. And proclaiming that he is Batman is his top priority! Maybe I should have started todays blog with this story instead? Oh well.

I got a call from Angie, who I have not talked to since December of last year. She wanted to let me know that she seen someone at a baby shower that we both knew. Yeah, weird huh? Anyway the girl she saw, (but didn't talk to) was Tracy, Yes, the same Tracy that I mentiond a couple of posts back that is now married to my ex Ron. Angie could not confirm that they were in fact married but all these years we never knew she was the sister of another friend named Bonnie. Small world, I guess.
Angie confirmed my phone number and said she would talk to me later. I know she won't but it was nice to hear from her just the same. Strange how people drift apart after so much time is put into a relationship. It really makes me sad that I don't have those kind of friends anymore who invite you over for a bar-b q or a birthday party. And no I am not looking for sympathy. I always sound so pathetic. I just wish for everyone to have good friends. Don't take them for granted like I did and don't just have one or two, make lots of friends! (hold on I've got something in my eye, strange!) Anyway, I guess its a good thing I don't have any local friends, then I wouldn't be blogging about this and you wouldn't be reding this and we would not have bonded.

Thanks for listening, (where did this come from???)

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