Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My two boys have always known I had a blog. I never offered to show it to them and they never asked to see it, until last week. They can't beleive that I would write about the stupid stuff that I do and they think its boring.

They did have one suggestion for me though. They want me to change their names. My 14 year old hates that I call him "scout". He thinks I call him that because of him being in scouts but the real reason is because I have always wanted to call him Scout since he was a baby but it never took hold. I read a book once when I was in middle school and the main character's name was scout. That's where that came from.

And Feret is only Feret because it rhymes with his real name. His dad calls him Beaver, all the time. I like that too, but he doesn't. He calls him that cause we used to love to watch "Leave it to Beaver". (not cause he has a flat tail or buck teeth) Most of the time he leaves off the "er" and just calls him Beav. I think its an endearing nickname.

Baby on the other hand has had lots of nicknames like Baboo and Hercules. My Grandma and my Mom gave him those names. And the boys and I add endings to his real name like "y" and "er" I joked with the boys that on my blog I could call him Follow. They really think that is dumb.

So for now Scout will be Ricky and Feret will be Jarrett and Baby will be Chase (not Follow but sometimes Chaser or Chasey). I feel better now.

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