Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ok so it's been a couple of days since I last checked in, Oh now your going to say its been two weeks...Blame my wonderful fun-loving boss, please.

Have I told you that he cut my hours, and we are closed like one additional day a week. Yeah its that bad.

I finally got all my stuff out of storage and into my apartment. I must must must have a yard sale or take alot of stuff to the flea market. I had to go through everything. Good thing is that I found a lot of old memories. I can't remember what year it was but we were teenagers (Rachel and I) we had gone to the fair and had our picture put on a million doller bill. My son Scout found it and laughed. I also found tons of drawings of hands for some reason. I wish I wasn't neck deep in boxes (literally) so I could have spent more time looking through all the stuff I keep. I must have kept every single thing that the boys have brought home from school. Report cards, check. Clay pots, check. Paintings, check. Poem books, check. Referrals, check. The list goes on and on. I have four bins with just the kids school stuff. and its not separated yet either. And one whole 10 gallon bin for just photos. Overwhelmed, I think.

In other news, Baby has started to scream his head off when I pull onto the babysitters street. She assures me that he is fine after I leave. He playes very well with the kids and has no other problems for the rest of the day. But he is suffering from separation anxiety due to the fact that he has been home longer in the mornings and I get a little more play time with him then. The poor boy, misses his mommy!

We are closed on Thursday this week so I have plans to A. build a train table for Baby's train set. B. price the rest of the items for the yard / flea market sale. C. Go through the rest of the boys' toys. And then maybe I can relax for a minute or two. I wish I had a camera so I can show you some pics of the table progress. Oh, which reminds me, I need to get the sander from dads shed and...

1 comment:

raquel said...

I read your blog. I really don't know how you do it. I wish I was there - part of me wants to help and part of me just wants to give you a hug - to give you a shoulder to cry on or a body to scream at. And part of me feels guilty because I left and that I haven’t been there as a friend for you.

What I love though is that even though you’re venting about all the tough things you’re dealing with – you’re also writing about taking your boys to the beach, and 12 things about you, and going on nature walks. You are a really special person – so strong and funny. Stay strong, sweetheart. I love you.

BTW – look at your hand! :)