Thursday, December 20, 2007

And I thought my family was whack!

What is going on wit Brittney's lil' sis? It's a good thing that she came out with the story instead of the paps finding out first.

Could you imagine being sixteen years old and taking care of a baby? When I was sixteen I was a junior in high school, just trying to figure out where we were hanging out on friday night.

I most certainly could have gotten pregnant. The thought of getting on birth control never -ever- crossed my mind cause my mother would have strangled me if I went to (that horrid evil place that kills babies) like all my friends did.

I may have told you this before but, my mother once spent three hours in the guidence councilers office because they wanted to put me in a sex ed class (like all the other 8th graders). The GC told my mom that I would be knocked up before I graduate high school if I didn't take the class. I proved him wrong...I was out of school a -full- six months before I conceived Scout.

I have no doubt that Lil' Miss Spears can take very good care of a baby. But I wonder what will happen to her acting career? Will they write it into the script that Zoe gets pregnant or drop her like its hot?

God bless her...

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