Monday, December 03, 2007

I. Love. This.

I have been tagged by this person to share with you all what classes I would take to make my life better or easier or whatever.

Of course these would have to be online classes cause I have no real time to actually go somewhere and sit for an hour or two a week. Or maybe the professor could just come to my house...hmmm. Anyway here they are.

1. How to get free healthcare, including dental. This class would be only a week long cause I need to see a Dr quick!

2. How to keep up with a three year old. Also includes a bonus course: How to potty train a three year old who has no interest what-so-ever in the "potty"!

3. How to organise "me time' without feeling guilty. Not that I really feel guilty but...!

4. How to attract men who see the real you. A magic class, maybe?

5. How not to look stupid in front of your boss. Very important since I havn't gotten a raise in 3 years.

6. Beauty school drop out--Drop-in course. Open seven days a week for a mini make-up class.

And just so I don't feel lonley in this class I would like to join Deb in...

7. How to skip over bad relationships. We all know why!

So now I get to tag some people who will pick 5 to 10 courses of their own and remember to join me in one of my courses. I'll bring some coffee.

Raquel at Much ado about nothing
Miss Britt
(not) coming

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