Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ok, breathe Heather. You can get through this.

Count to ten...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

I feel better.

Really! I do.

My wonderful stupid GM at work just asked me the most dreaded question he could ask.

"Are you ready for Christmas?"

Are you kidding me? Is this some kind of joke? Am I on Punked?

I have not yet even put up the Christmas tree yet. Not one decoration has been strategically placed so all can view. (I have lied, Baby did find two train ornaments that he pulled out and ran around the house yelling "choo, choo!")

And then I'm thinking that I have only three actual paychecks of which I don't have any extra spending money in the three said paychecks.

What a bad man, a very bad man he is for bringing up that question.

Oh and he always makes it a point to mention taking off work too. Like because we only get off on Tuesday he says that we should just take the whole week off. Shaa as if. I mean he gets paid salery so it would not affect him but the rest of us would be like eating at the Salvation Army and getting canned goods and old bread from St vincent De Paul's.

He aggrivates me so.

Oh and guess who just stopped by as I was typing this. Danny. Although now he won't come in, he sends in his son little Danny. We had a nice talk and he seems to be doing well. I told him that I am still upset at his dad. He still wants to know where the bicycle is that he left at my house. I told him I would try to find out. Oh the nerve!

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