Friday, December 21, 2007

Warning...please be aware...I am in a rant mode...depress the "next blog" button immediatly!!!!

I warned you!!!

I can't remember ever being this depressed. I have been crying all day long. I could not even tell the babysitter that Baby won't be coming anymore. My boss yelled at me for not pricing something right and I started to cry. He didn't even notice me. I have no clue what to do about christmas. I don't even want to go out to my brothers house on christmas eve. I hate what my mother has done to me. I feel soooo betrayed. Yet she acts like nothing is wrong. She calls me up this morning and asked what was wrong yesterday. She said that I looked mad or upset. Well duh, you stupid jerk. You forced me out a week and a half before christmas and I have no money to cover all the moving expenses. On top of that I don't have any furniture at the new place and I'm tired of standing and sitting on the floor. Dumb ass. I really don't think I can be in the same room with her at my brothers. Then she suggests that I check out these apartment on the other side of town that are apparently cheaper. You are a real card, Mom. I really don't know how I can get over this. I am so upset. And you know really, its not that I had to move out, it's that I don't have the money for any christmas presents for the boys now. You should see their list...They tried to make it easy on me. They each asked for ten things. Here are some of them...Help with homework...a new blanket and pillow...go eat ice cream with my beds...for love and for my mom to be happy...They both want cable and internet, and clothes and shoes. None of which they will get any time soon. Ok I think this made me feel better. Wait, can I call her a stupid effing bitch one more then.

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