Have you seen this? I want one of these. A million dollars for one home page. What a brilliant idea!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
million dollar home page?!!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:25 PM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tis' all over
I had a great Christmas. We all went to my brothers house Christmas eve and had a good time. The boys had a hard time getting to sleep that night but by 1am they were all snug. At 1:45am I hear Feret wake up and sneek into the living room. He came back in and woke me up. "Santa came, can we open presents?" I ask him what time it was and he informs me that its 1:45am. I try to tell him that its a little too early to get up and he climbs back to bed. About 40 min later I look over at him and hes wide awake. I asked him if he wants to go into my bed and he says yes. So we climb into my bed and fall fast asleep.
Christmas day the boys woke up at about 7:30am. They come in to wake me up and ask to open their gifts. I try to tell them that Baby isn't up yet but they said they need to help him with his so let him sleep. They proceed to open things up and after they finished with what was under the tree I asked them to close their eyes and stand up. I opened the curtains to the porch and told them to open their eyes. They pretty much screamed when they did open their eyes. I told them the bikes were from me and mimi and poppy. It was the ones they wanted. They were even more shocked when I told them that they had been out there for two weeks.
They helped Baby with his gifts and then the house looked like a giant trash bin so I grabbed some trash bags and went throught the living room from one end to the other. After that was done I look back at the other end and see that the boys had opened more boxes and made another mess. This went on till about 1pm. It started to set in that I had to work in the worning and I was getting quite upset. The boys were fighting by this time too and I was not a happy camper. We went over to my moms for dinner and were full by the first course. I took Feret home so Tylers mom could pick him up. I was getting irritated by Tylers aunt cause she went through the entire house like a police officer looking for a robber. she checked out all the bedrooms and bathrooms. she raided the kids candy for chocholate and she even opened my gift from Kathy. She does give good hugs though.
I guess all went well. I was happy to spend time with my family. Even though I did not get what I wanted for Christmas, I got what I needed!
I wonder what I will be doing for New Years?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:35 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
We had our Cub Scout caroling last night for the retirement home. What a great turn out we had. all six of my Cubs came and two from the Wolf Den. Plus we had five of the Boy Scouts show up with three of their leaders. We all walked over to the center and Had a great time. The cards were handed out and we even sang a vespers. We went back to the church and had lots of snacks and gave out awards that the boys have been working on.
Christmas is in five days! I have off on Friday, yeah! I still need to find a couple of things for the boys but I think I am pretty much set. I have a cute story about Feret...
He needed to bring in a board game for today and I thought he found one last night but when I asked him this morning he said no. I told him that I bought him a game for christmas and that he could have it early if he wanted. He asked me how many gifts I had bought him for christmas and I told him about five. Right away he tells me "No, I'll wait for christmas!" I guess he thinks that if he only gets five presents for christmas he might as well save them all! Cute huh?
Back to Cub Scouts... I had called one of the boys that hadn't been coming every meeting on the phone and talked to his mom. He is really into football and she tells me that if it's not football that he's not interested in it. So I tried to convince her that he should come. He has two older brothers that were in scouts and his dad is a police officer so she really wants him to go. Well guess who showed up last night? Yep, it was him. I asked his mom how much bribbing it took and she said that she had a long talk with him and he decided to come. I am soo happy.
I called a friend of mine last Saturday and went to see her too. I had not seen her for about three years. I was not allowed to when I was with Rick so I thought I would see if she wanted to hang out. She said come on over and I went out to her house. We had a nice visit. She offered for us (the boys and I) to come over again so I guess she's not that mad at me for letting him control my life. Either that or she was just being nice. Either way I think I will have to take her up on that. Ta Ta for now...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:46 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Wow! A date.
Saturday was the Boy Scout car wash. They did pretty well for only asking for donations. I even sold some Cub Scout popcorn while I was there. Baby had fun playing in the puddles and getting the attention from the boys. All the adults say he's in training!
That afternoon I took Feret to Tylers and Scout went over to Timmy's house. I went home and did some crafting! I finally finished the project on Sunday night. Its a welcome sign that has a snowman and snowflakes on it. Really cute.
On Sunday I had a visitor. Danny came over with his son and then we picked up my boys and went out to dinner. It went well I think. Scout wants his son to come over again so thats a good sign. Danny is 10 years older than me but we seem to get along. Only problem is is that he is one of Ricks friends...sooo what do I do?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:19 PM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Busy, Busy, Busy
I have been very busy! Lets recap, shall we?
Scout's bike got thrown into a lake while we were away from the house. The boys in our complex, that Scout thought where his friends, all turned against him and they all know where the bike is but won't tell who did it.
Scout has found out that girls are starting to like him and are asking him out. One stated that she had three rules: You have to tell me you love me, you have to write me letters and you can buy me gifts! Cute huh?
Feret cannot live though the weekend without seeing Tyler.
I helped paint the outside of Tylers house with Kathy.
Found out that I could have my dream dog for free and I am really thinking about getting her.
Ran all over town to find clocks for a Cub Scout project only to find out that I mismeasured and had to put in another 4 hours of drilling out the hole in the back of the wood slice. The clocks turned out great by the way and all the parents loved them! Yey!
Missed Scout's first band concert but my parents went and took video.
Missed my nefews 2nd b-day party, well showed up late.
Got a three day notice to move out and scrambled to find some money in the cousions.
Found out that the boys dad is in jail for some kind of drug charges. Ha Ha Ha. I told you you were a drug addict.
Did I miss anything, I don't think so...
This weekend is a fund raiser car wash for Scouts and who knows what else....
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:10 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
The kids and I went to Mom and Dads house to eat a beautiful Turkey dinner. My brother, his wife and two kids came down as well. They live in NC but came down for the weekend. They are staying at her moms house in CapeCoral though. It was really nice. I left with only the Baby though because both the boys friends stopped by to chat on their way home from Marco. So Scout went with Timmy and Feret went with Tyler.
On friday night I did not even bother to go and pick them up cause I was busy cleaning the house and stuff. But Saturday I went over there to see if they wanted to go see their Nana. They did so I dropped them off and went back over to Tylers to help Kathy paint and just hang out. I had to get the boys by 2pm so Kathy invited us back for a Bar-B-Q. It was really good. Scout came home with me and Baby and we vegged all day Sunday. Wouldn't you know it when I finally did get out of the house thats when Kathy was dropping Feret off. I missed her and had to run all the way back to the Gate to pick him up.
Tonight is Boy Scouts so I gotta run. TTFN
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:22 PM
A poem for Rachel, my good friend
Remembering days long ago
When we were young and free
Time was moving oh so slow
When each other we would see
Now a-days it just seems
The months go flying by
One would think that this deems
Old friends to say goodbye
But I have this small gut feeling
That I could pick up the phone any day
And dial your number with meaning
Just to see what you have to say
And on the other end
You will chat with me, your news
So this is why I’ve decided to send
A dorky poem for you to muse
I often tell my kids our stories
From when we were young and bold
This helps eliminate my worries
That they think I am too old!
Sometimes they will surprise me
When we are goofing ‘round
They’ll say “Hey mommy
Look!” and wave their hand around
The giggle comes quick, not slow
To the hand I do stay true
Now not too many people know
What they are trying to do
Anyone who asks
Gets the whole story right up front
From then on they have the task
To make me laugh and grunt
I wish I had more friends like you
I’m sure you would agree
But then I think I’d laugh a slew
And surely have to pee!
Ok this poem is getting gross
As I’m sure your aware
So here’s to you Rachel, a toast
I think I’m done here
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:02 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Well we all went camping this weekend. Scout went on a canoe trip to the Peace River with his troop and Feret and I went to Camp Flying Eagle in Bradenton for a Cub/Parent overnighter.
Friday night I dropped of Scout at the church and then I packed the car for our trip. We met up with the other family at 7:30am on Saturday and we were on our way. When we arrived we set up our tent and had a go around. We are our bag lunch then headed off to the opening cerimonies. The theme of the event was pirates. They had all sorts of games and a treasure hunt. About 10 min after the games started the siren went off and we found out that there was a scout missing. Turns out he was with another adult and some other kids but he never told his mom. Back to the games we went. Feret made a raingutter regatta boat, a Bandanna, a parrot out of beads, a pirates belt, some leather stampings. We had a great time. He was feeling a little sick with a headache but we pulled through. We ate dinner then had some free time and he made a marshmallow shooter. Then we went to the campfire. There were lots of fun skits done by the boys. After the show we all went back to camp and built our own campfire. We roasted marshmallows and tryed to keep the boys from hurting themselves.
Sunday we ate breakfast then packed up and went to the closing cerimonies. Feret won a prize from the raffle. We started for home. I ended up dropping Feret off at Tylers and I called to see if Scout was back at the church yet. Turns out he was just pulling in so I went and picked him up and then went home to unpack.
Scout made it through the weekend without tipping the boat. And he may have saved a life out there as well. The Asst. Scoutmaster has an insulin pump and it had fallen out. As soon as he saw it Scout told him and he was very thankful. He even made a big deal about it at the meeting last night. Next week they are going to learn what to do if he ever passes out or something like that happens to anyone else they know.
All in all it was a great weekend.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:06 AM
Friday, November 18, 2005
ear infection(s)
Ok, so this past week has gone by pretty fast.
On Monday I noticed that Baby was getting some green stuff around his eyes. Scout had a meeting and I helped plan for the cubbie's Pack meeting.
Tuesday was a thing at the school for forth graders.
Wednesday was a free day
Thursday we had our Pack meeting. Real disappointment due to the fact that only three cubs showed up. We made x-mas cards to hand out at the Pack meeting next month at the retirement home. We got about 55 done so that was good.
Tonight I have to help Scout pack and drop him off for his canoe/camp trip. I also have to pack for Feret and I to go to a Cub/Parent overnighter this weekend. Yay camping! I still have to visit wal-mart and make a delivery of popcorn tonight.
Next week is Thanksgiving. I have not even thought about it yet. I think we will be going to mom and dads.
I have not heard one word from Rick in almost two weeks! But that also means I have not gotten any money from him either. The last time I seen him he slapped me again so I'm releived that I don't even have to hang up on him either.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:42 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
That crazy gerbil!
Friday night I took Scout and Baby to the fair again to see Feret. He was there with Tyler and his mom. She has to do "love hours" for the school that puts on the fair. She was running a game called record breakers. You threw a base ball at records and you had to break three with only three balls. It was faily easy to break the records, but you had to hit them first. She ended up having about five winners that night.
Saturday I cleaned house and then my Dad came by and asked if I could help move some stuff from one storage unit to another. I said ok and away we went. Scout and Baby came along. We picked up a box truck and went to the storage, then we went to his house and dropped off all the x-mas stuff and loaded the truck with other boxes. Then Scout and Baby stayed at the house with my mom and Dad and I went to the new bigger storage. We got done at about 8:30pm. Mom had dinner ready for us and we called it a night.
Sunday I finished with my house cleaning and rearrainged some furniture to accomidate the table that I got out of Dads storage unit. My brother had given it to me when I still lived with mom and I kinda forgot about it. I have not had a kitchen table in the new apartment until now so I had to make room. In the afternoon I went to pick up Feret and then to the grocery store for some milk and stuff. The boys rode bikes and I changed the gerbils bedding. Here's where the crazy gerbil comes in. I found a 10 gallon tank in the shed at mom and dads house and asked it I could use it for a while to separate the boys from the girls. So I got out the two girls and put them in the new tank and I also put the mom and five babies in the cage but kept them in the smaller cage. So the two girls really only have about 1/3 of the 10 gallon tank and the boys have a whole 10 gallon tank to themselves. Well the new tank has a lid on it for a light and filter to use for a fish tank. There is a hole about 1/2" wide and 2" long where the filter is. He boys saw that the little girl that has gotten out in the past was not in the tank. We started looking around and finnally found her behind the microwave. We patched up the hole with some cardboard and tape. Later when I was turning out the lights to go to sleep I checked in on the little guys. To my surprise the little girl was gone again. I checked all the counters and behind the microwave. No luck. So I told Hot Wheels (our kitty) to keep an eye out for her and went to bed. This morning I half hoped that my eyes where playing tricks on me but sure enough she was not in the tank. I got ready for work and while I was smoking my cig I was looking for her. Kitty was listening to something under the stove so I pulled the pan drawer out and lo and behold there she was. I scooped her up and put her back in the tank. Then I taped the cardbord down and came to work. What I think is the real dilema is is that she is the only one that gets out! Why does she want to get out? Don't get me wrong I don't sit at home holding these things or let them crawl up on my shoulder or anything. Although we did name them but that was a game more or less with kids. I do make sure that Scout and Feret take care of the animals. Scout brought the gerbils home (although it was only two at that time) and Hot Wheels is Ferets cat. We have had him for four years now and he was 6 weeks old when we got him. He is very good about feeding him but I am stuck changing the litter box and the bedding. The fish that we got from the fair have slowly died off and there are only three left out of nine. I have never been good with fish. I think we will change the name of the escaping gerbil to Run.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 1:53 PM
Friday, November 11, 2005
Holy crap?! It's Friday again...
I havn't posted for a week! What's wrong with me these days? No school for the kiddies today it's Veterns day. I had two scouts show up at the meeting on Tuesday. They made clay pots. It was nice and quiet except for Baby of course. I have to find some way to entertain him for that hour! I need to do laundry this weekend. Last Saturday I stood in line for four hours to get disaster food stamps. Some Hatian guy tried to cut in front of me and I booted him out. I'm supposed to get $506 mailed to me on a card thing this week but I havn't seen it yet. It was worth the four hours! I have nothing in my fridge except ice and ketchup. Smoothies anyone? The gerbils are growing bigger everyday. I took the kids and a friend to the fair in Golden Gate last night. Ran into some more of their friends and got eight goldfish in the meantime. I also won a stuffed pig that we ended up giving to Carlos' mom for her cuban birthday celebration. When I dropped him off I was invited inside and they had a beautiful "shrine" set up in the living room. Huge canopy with shells and blue and gold and silver cloth. A enourmous amout of fruit, of which they gave me a bag full. Carrie, his mom tells me that she has to leave it up for one week for good luck. I have never seen anything like it! There was also candles and flowers all laid out so nice. Their family was there too but I could not talk to them cause we couldn't understand each other but they were full of life. They talk so loud and use lots of hand motions! Such great people. I wish I had more freinds to share this stuff with. I think I am starting to really stress out and it's taking a toll on me. I need to loose some weight but I don't have any motivation. No sign of meeting anyone in the near future and my friend Beth seems to meet everyone. She has a couple of guys on the line at all times. She used to be bigger than me and she had the gastric bypass and now she gets hit on by everyone. Kinda pisses me off cause I was the one that wanted it first. Oh well poor me poor me! I'm not crying myself to sleep yet so I guess its not that bad! Yak at ya'll later!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:49 PM
Friday, November 04, 2005
It's Friday!
What a fucking week! Or two weeks at that! Scout missed the bus yesterday and I had an episode with the kids mother that hit him on Wednesday morning. I was going to take him to school today and I stopped to inform the mom that I was pissed that it was such an inconvienience for me to do that when she informs me that the reason that her son hit him was that he was playing with fire. I was sooo pissed off that I smacked Scout and then he got out of the car. I went to work feeling horrible and wondering what was going to happen next. I had been telling him for about the last month not to play with fire. Even offered him $2.00 a day but he has not earned it yet he is constantly picking up lighters. I want to ground him for the rest of the weekend but I know that wont happen.
We are going to see an Everblades hockey game tonight. It's Scout night. Should be fun. Feret's friend Tyler and his mom are going along with another one of my scouts.
Saturday we are supposed to go to Timmy's b-day party and Sunday we are having Baby's b-day party.
I hope things get a little better...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:49 PM
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Not again!!!?
The gerbils have multiplied again!! On Monday morning we saw them. There are five new babies. So that brings our count to eleven! Mom, dad, four babies (one brown one like dad, two tan ones with red eyes, and a light tan and white) and five new babies. I bought a new cage last week for them. A 10 gallon glass tank. The little brown gerbil was getting out and we finally figured out how. He's a good jumper! So I had to buy a screen lid for the tank. We took the new babies and the mom out and put them in the old smaller cage. I really need to figure out a way to separate the males and females. I guess I can make some sort of divider in the tank but I still need to try to determine the sex of these little guys. When the little brown one was getting out do you think our cat Hot Wheels was able to round him up? Not a chance. Once he was under the washer/dryer, once under the stove and we finally caught him in the boys room. Kitty was watching for him but was unable to catch him. Good thing We don't live in NYC or kitty would be in big trouble. My mom was joking with me that I really have a mouse problem, not pet gerbils! lol : )
In other news, Scout had lost his whole binder for school somewhere and he refused to go to school without it cause he said he would be in detention all day for not having his stuff. On Wednesday I went home to grab some lunch and there he was watching t.v. I brought him to school and asked to talk to the guidence counceler. Mr. Curley was a great help. He got Scout a new planner and he also took the info on the kid that punched Scout that morning at the bus stop. He told Scout that he should have no problems with the teachers and to come back on Thursday for a fresh start. I brought Scout to work with me since I was already running late. I made him put oil in the car and go to the corner store for sodas and lunch.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 1:13 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Where O where did Tallyho go?
I think I'm back. I can tell I was not missed much but none the less... For those of you that don't know here's the update. There was this Hurricane that came through called Wilma. My family and I went to my brothers house on Sunday night. He lives further inland than I do. So there was me, Scout, Feret, Baby, my mom, my dad, my grandma, my brother, his wife, their son, her mom, her moms step mom, one cat and three dogs. It was interesting. There was almost a fight about the dogs. My brother asked that the dogs stay outside and my parents listened but when my sister-in-laws mom and grandma came they had the dogs in the house. My mom was pissed cause her dog is special too.
Anyway, mom made it clear that she was not happy as usual. I went to sleep around 12 o'clock and when I woke up at 6:30am there was no power. I stumbled out to the living room to find everyone hovering over a radio and the wind howling outside. The rest of the day is sort of a blur. I only remember that around 2pm we were thinking about heading home but we had to wait for my brother and dad to chop up a tree that was blocking the driveway.
On the way home we stopped by Ferets friend Tylers house. They had a tree on the car, on on the roof in the back and one over the fence on some power lines. Then we went to Scouts freind Timmys house. They lost their fence but they were ok. We made our way home and luckily had no damage. We unpacked the car then drove to mom and dads house. There was so much damage in their neighborhood that I almost cried. When we turned the corner to pull into their driveway I was so releived. only a slight damage to the carport and a gutter.
Anyway, we were without power for 7 days. I still do not have any food in the fridge. Power at work was not restored until yesterday (tuesday). I had to bring the baby with me to work all last week. My sitter had no power either.
Baby had his first b-day. no power to have a party and the only cake I could find were holloween cupcakes. I got food water and ice from the Army guys that came into town. The boys had no school for the whole week. We had to cancel the Pack meeting for Cub Scouts on Thursday. Which was unfortinate because we had scheduled McGruff the Robotic Police Dog as a guest speaker.
I think we are pretty much back to normal as of today. There are still homes with no power and tons of tree debris on the sides of every road. Its going to be a long clean up. We are planning Babys b-day party for this weekend, maybe Sunday. I think it would have been much worse if it was hot outside but we had this strange cold front that has lasted all week.
Well thats it for now...Ta Ta for now...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 1:34 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Weekend doings
Scout went camping with the Boy Scouts on Friday night. Feret went to Tylers. I stayed home but not before going to Wal-Mart. I bought Baby a wagon. Radio Flyer. Can't beat that for a 1st B-day gift. It has already prooved itself useful.
Saturday Baby and I were up early so we could make it to the beach at 8am. I had scheduled the whole Cub Scout Pack to attend the Coastal clean-up. Feret showed up with Tyler and their mom. Two other boys in my den showed and two Wolf scouts showed up. Well 6 out of 16 is not bad, right? We had a good time and we found lots of dead critters. We just had a spot of Red Tide so it was to be expected.
Feret went with Tyler to his soccer games and I was left with Baby again. We strolled down 5th Avenue through the art show and had a great time. After that we met up with Feret and Tyler at soccer. Then to lunch at the mall and finally I took Feret and Baby home.
Tyler finished up with his games about 5 and came and picked Feret up again. I was left with just Baby again. On Sunday we made our way to the grocery store and when we got home there was a note on the door that Scout made it home and was at Grandmas house. I went over to pick him up and then we came home and did some laundry and then we went to the community pool. It was really nice not many people there and again I used the wagon. I was dared to dive off the diving board. It was scary. It looks sooooo far down! It was the first time since I was about 6 years old that I have been on one. Then Scout and I had a race and he won! We went home and stopped by to check on the other scouts that live in our place. I was taking them to the Courthouse this morning and I needed them to be ready at 7:15am. So we stopped to remind them. One of them ended up staying over at our house along with another friend.
This morning I got the boys ready and we took Baby to the sitters and then we waited for Mr. Mcgarity to show up at the courthouse. They were being picked up by Carlos' mom at 11am. I went by on my lunch and they were not there so I hope she picked them up.
Oh, I forgot Feret went to Tampa with Tyler for one of his cousins B-day parties. He got home around 9pm.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:15 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
"I have not seen one since I was in high school!"
I read on a blog today that there was this thing where you are tagged and you have to got to your 23rd post and find the 5th sentence and then write something about it. They called it 23/5. Whatever! So I proceeded to find my 23rd post and the 5th sentence and it is noted above.
I find it pretty funny, I mean it could mean sooo many different things! In my peticular case though, I was refering to a tornado. The boys and I had seen one on the way to our camping trip at the Peace River. It was pretty close and it got pretty big. Feret was scared of it and wanted out of there in a hurry. But we had stopped to eat and they made his sandwich wrong. When I went back into Micky-d's, the lady was closing the store and would not sell anything to me. Meanwhile it was dinner time and there was a line of cars a block long in the drive-thru. I would have been pissed if I was in that line!
There are many things I have not seen since high school tho. lets see...
1. My flat stomache
2. Me in a mini skirt (besides the pink one that I bought recently-it has shorts under it)
3. Many people that I called good friends
4. spending cash
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:03 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
quick note
We finished putting together our step stools last night! Although we ran a little overtime by a half hour. It was a controlled chaotic night! All the moms that were there helped out. No dads came! I did have one mom go out to her car a get a drill. The boys were supposed to do the work themselves and she proceeded to drill all the screws for him and another boy. Ugh! When I realised that that was what was happening I told the boy to try to do it himself. He did and then mom only tightened the screws down tight. Needless to say those two boys finished well before all the others who did do it themselves. Then the mom got mad that we ran late! What can ya do? We also had a small problem with the wood splitting but they turned out alright in the end. No one got hurt and I even changed a bit in the drill twice! (Some of the pre drilled holes where a little off so we had to re-drill the pilot holes.)
All in all we had a good experience and next week we will be staining them. Yay! I can't wait to show them off at the Pack meeting!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:20 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() |
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:25 PM
Ho hum...
I'm waiting for 4:30 to come around so I can go home. Not much going on except the usual stuff like, scouts. I have a meeting tonight. We are building our step stools, which reminds me that I need to stop by mom and dads house to pick up some screw drivers.
Only 10 more min. now. La La La...Ok I guess I'll get ready to go. At least it's not like last night, I was here till 6:15 waiting for the guys to get back to the shop. Made me late for the parent meeting for Boy Scouts. I really need to get a life, huh? All I ever talk about anymore is scouts and kids! Oh well.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:21 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
On Friday night Feret went to Tylers as usual and Scout went to Timmy's.
On Saturday I had to go to Tylers to check on the wood that his dad Skip was buying for the Cub Scout project we are doing on Tuesday. He had the piece of wood and I was asking him how I was going to get it to my dad's so I could cut it. He asked me what I was going to cut it with and when he found out that I was going to use a circular saw he offered to do it for me. Yay! The boys will be making a step stool. Each step stool has 6 pieces of wood and there are seven boys. I'll do the math for you thats 42 pieces of wood that needed to be cut out of a 4' x 8' piece of 3/4" plywood. That's also 16 pilot hols drilled and 16 counter sink holes drilled (so the nails will be flush with the wood). I am so glad that some men can't stand for a woman to do a man's job. After I left Tylers I went to check on Scout. He was going to stay until he called his dad. You see Rick has promised Scout a cell phone for the last two months. And every week he tells him he doesn't have the money. So Scout got pissed off and told him to go suck it. Then he didn't feel like staying at Timmy's house so I brought him home. We decided to sand and paint the rocking horse we got from the flea market so we went to walmart for the supplies. It turned out so good. He painted it brown and I sewed some yarn to velcro for the mane and tail. We also made a cousion for the seat. I looks awsome! I ended up taking him back over to Timmy's later.
On Sunday I called the boys to see if they wanted to go to Marco with me to see my Aunt Gracie and my cousin Joel and his wife Cindy and their three kids. I ended up going with just Baby. We had a great time swiming and she cooked the best lasagna in the world. Joel and Cindy's three kids are so cute. There is a boy and girl that are twins and they are in kindergarden, and a three year old who is going on 15. Too cute!
I picked up the boys and Skip says he got all the pieces cut and he had them all set up in the den. All he has left to do is the drilling and he says he will finish that on Monday night.
Scout has ISS all day today and he has to go to EA for the rest of the week (he punched a kid in the face but he says they were just messing around and the other kid should have gotten in trouble too)
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:06 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
It was two o'clock in the morning. I was in bed sleeping and Ferret comes in and climbs into bed with me and he says that his stomache hurts. I was barley awake and then all of a sudden he vomits all over my bed. I jumped up and screamed cause I didn't know what happened. Then I was telling him to go into the bathroom and trying to get the sheets off my bed. I threw everything into the washer and got Baby to stop crying and put him back to bed.
I walked out into the living room and found Feret sleeping on the couch. I rubbed his head and face with a wet towel and when I was convinced that he was asleep I curled up in the oversized leather chair. I sat and watched some infomercial about teeth whitening for about a half an hour and then I must have finally dozed off.
I woke to hearing the alarm going off in my bedroom only to find that if I didn't get a move on then I would surley be late for work. I jumped in the shower and got dressed. Woke up Feret and asked how he was feeling. He informed me that he was fine and he got ready for school.
Five hours later I'm sitting at work eating a salad and puttering about on the computer. I think it's teribly strange the way things happen sometimes. I mean how many people in this world were waken by a youngster in the middle of the night? We don't often hear those stories do we? Yet we all continue to go on as if its a normal thing. You are the first people I've told this to, I have noone else to tell, so why not. But many people don't have a blog, who do they tell? Who did I tell these stories to before I had a blog, you ask? Well I guess I told my mom. I sure hope my sons come to me with these kind of things. Gotta go. I think I need to talk to my mom!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:48 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Oh I forgot to tell you...
On Saturday at the flea market Rick was calling me and stuff. Then he came up there and was being a real jerk as usual. I was atempting to ignore him so he would go away but he stayed for about 10 min. He asked for a cigarette and light and they were in my car. He goes to the car and sees the work phone I had accidently brought home on Friday. He was trying to get the phone # off of it but I grabbed it from him. Then he goes back in my car and he comes out and asked what the perscription bottle was for. I looked at him and asked him what he was doing in my purse. He tryed to tell me that it was just on the seat but I know it wasn't. He told me "I didn't take any of them I just want to know what they were for" I told him to leave. and he asked Scout to follow him so he could talk to him for a min.
After he left I went to put my purse back together and I opened the bottle. There were three pills missing. Rick called me a few min later and I told him he is to never call me again and I don't care if he does not see the boys cause I know for a fact that he took the pills. He kept calling and I kept hanging up on him. He came back up and as soon as I saw him I pushed 911 on my phone. He insisted that he didn't take anything. Then he threatened me some more and I pretended to talk to a dispatcher..."Hi I need an officer to come. I have a restraining order on this guy and he is up here bothering me" He walked away saying some curse words. He has tried to call me since then as well.
He had his stepdad call and ask if I called the cops. I told him yes.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 9:52 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
That should be what they call the Flea Market. There are all kinds of walks of life there. My son Scout and I packed the car on Friday night with all kinds of things that we had around the house. I had all of Baby's baby clothes from 0 to 9 months, a travel swing, exersaucer, and other various baby things. Scout went through all the board games and dvd's. We also had vhs tape movies and other odds and ends.
We got up at 5:30am and took Baby to Grandmas house. We got to the Flea Market at 7. We had a great spot on the middle corner. We sold almost all the dvd's while we were still setting up to other vendors. We only sold them for $2.00 and the tapes for $.50. We later found out that they took them beck to their booths and sold them for $6. Throughout the day Scout and I would take turns walking around and one time he came back with a car radio with a tape deck that he bought for $3. Later he sold it for $5. I found a guy who was selling things and he had a kids bear rug, the kind with the head, for only $3.
We met lots of interesting people and ended up making $103.00. Not bad for first timers, eh? I also found a wooden rocking horse for $3 from the same guy with the rug. It just needs to be sanded and re-painted but it is very sturdy. Another thing I found was a little ride on car for Baby. The lady only wanted $1 for it so I grabbed it. Then I felt like I owed her more so I asked her if she wanted the exersaucer. She took it and gave me back the dollar for the car. The next day she sold the exersaucer for $3. Scout ended up staying the night at Timmy's house and I went to Grandmas to see if we could sell any of her stuff.
At 7am I was back at the Market again but this time I was in a really bad spot. Even when I got to the market to shop around I never go down this isle. But we made $23 and the morning went by fast. Scout didn't show up till about 10:30 and by that time I was ready to go home. We ended up staying till 1:00 cause Beth came up and I got to walk around with her.
All in all it was a good experience. Scout got some experience in retail and we had a lot of laughs. (It was funny to watch people look into a box that was labled-ADULT VIDIOS YOU MUST BE 21 YRS OR OLDER TO LOOK!) perverts. That and this little four year old spanish boy who went by the name of poppy. He kept chasing me around with a pokemon card and growling. Scout kept telling him to stop touching me but he kept doing it. cute! Later he brought over a bag of toys to play with. They were all dinosaurs so of course I had to let the kid stay. Turns out his mom worked at a booth around the corner. She never came to check on him or anything. He was with us most of the day.
Will I do it again, you ask? Probly not. It cost me $40 for the booth and $20 for gas. You do the math. Scout says he doesn't owe me the booth $. He wants to keep all $123. I keep telling him that that is an expense and he keeps calling me an investor. I know that he is doing this for his scout project but he has got to learn, right?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:54 PM
Friday, September 30, 2005
It's Friday!
I guess I am happy about it. I have plans to go be a vendor at the local flea market this weekend. I need some money really bad. I have a bunch of things to sell like baby clothes and toys that the boys have grown out of. I havn't told them yet but I will give them each a share of what they sell if they help out with the selling. They will love that! It starts a bit early for a Saturday but if we pack the car tonight then it won't be so bad. Baby will be going to my moms so I won't have him out in the heat too long.
We had a cub scout pack meeting last night and I needed a cowboy hat for the theme. I called up Danny, the guy that asked me out and he came up to my work and said he had one that I could borrow. He brought it over right before I was leaving and Scout had a lot of questions for me on the way to the meeting. Why did he come over? Where did you get his phone number? etc... He is so, how should I say...Loyal... to me. I don't quite think thats the word I'm looking for but it will work.
In other news I have not talked to Rick since Sunday when he came to my house and wanted to come in. I kept telling him no and he kept threating to turn me in...for what I don't know. He just talks out of his butt all the time. I think I got it through to him that I will not talk to him on the phone at work. It took him calling and me hanging up on him on Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday before he got it but thats how thick headed he is! He finally had his stepdad call me and ask whats wrong and I told him that I can't talk to him at work.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:05 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Every so often I catch Will and Grace on the boob tube
It wasn't last night but I was just thinking of something that the "gang" was doing in one of their episodes. I love Karen. The problem I have is that regular real people are not like that at all. If I knew anyone who acted like either Karen, Will, Grace and the she man I would not be able to go one day without peeing myself!
Another fav of mine is Gilmore Girls. Love it love it love it. If that show was on for 12 hours a day and W & G were on for 6 hours I would still have 6 hours to watch MTV! Where can I find a town like Stars Hollow?
One of the guys here at work Tommy, is constantly making comments about my boobs. I had on a button up shirt yesterday and he made sure to tell me that I could loose one more button if I wanted to and that he wont mind a bit. Not only that but we were getting a delivery in and as I was walking back into the office from the shop I heard him tell the driver "don't you want a woman like that?" The driver told him that he has a woman. Damn! All the good ones are taken. Tommy is always asking me to get under his desk. Then he covers it up by saying that he needs some paperwork or something. He is really quite childish but he can be very funny. He always tries to include everyone in the fun. He always makes me feel like he cares about me but then again I know that he is married. I cant say that Im not attracted to him I mean he is good looking and hes a country boy that works on cars in his spare time. However I would never never take him seriously. He always tells me that if he had what I have he would be getting "it" all the time. I havn't gotten "it" in six months. He thinks thats a shame. Me too, but I havn't found any takers yet.
I was reading a blog today and I though that I sounded Irish when I was reading to myself so I decided to try and read it out loud. I have a bad ass Irish accent!! Just call me Lucky!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 1:56 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Court of Honor
My son, Scout, had a Court of Honor last night with his Boy Scout Troop. He recieved his Scout Rank, Tenderfoot Rank and Second Class Rank. He also recieved his Pioneering and Indian Lore Merit badges. Other badges he recieved are Quality Unit, Camp Buffalo Bill, and Totin' Chip. He also recieved his Den Chief badge and shoulder loop. And last but not least, His scoutmaster's former scoutmaster sent his patrol a hook for the beltloop.
Baby had his first day at the new sitters on Monday. I think it went well. But when I dropped him off this morning he did cry. I'm sure he'll be fine, right?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 11:45 AM
Monday, September 26, 2005
I finally got up the nerve to ask my boss for my vacation pay. I don't plan on taking a vacation this year. I really just need the money. I was going to ask him last week but I lost the nerve and finally today after going over in my head for 8 hours just asked him. He said to talk to him in the morning.
We had three guys come in today for the job opening. None of them have a license. How can you survive without one?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:28 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
A cry for help.
I work for a glass and mirror company. We do installations for builders, commercial, residential and designers. We have had one job going on for a few months now that I will call The Ninth Floor job.
It all started a few months ago when the owner of the Ninth Floor job calls and wants an estimate for some sliding glass doors. He oks the estimate and we order the materials. It takes quite a while for them to come in but we install them about two months later.
The Association of the building calls and tells us that we installed the wrong kind of doors in his unit. The owner was well aware of this when he ordered them so he agrees to re-order the correct doors. After another two months we install the doors again. We had a few things left to do before he comes back down from up north so we sent over all four of the guys to finish up. Two were installers and two were helpers. Halfway through the day (yesterday) the two installers had to leave the job. One to go do another quote and the other to go get some supplies. When the one came back with the supplies he was quite shocked to find one of the helpers flat ass drunk and the building manager screaming at the top of her lungs to get out of the building.
The Helper decided to raid the customers bar and found himself a gallon of jack daniels! Most of it was gone when the installer finally got him into the back of the work truck. He made him ride in the back because he had pissed himself and vomited all over his shirt.
When the guys got back to the office, the helper fell out of the truck and attempted to ride his bike home. He fell three times in the driveway. The other helpers girlfriend came down the street and told us that he was laying on the ground on one side of the street and his bike was on the other. When the other installer got to the shop he said that the police were taking him to jail.
I get in today and nothing was said till my boss was ready to leave for the day. I asked him "So Martin didn't come in today?" He said "Yes, he had come in but before he could get off his bike I told him to get the fuck out of here." My boss said that he went crazy on Martin and he lost it. Whatever that means I'm sure he said a lot more cuss words than he has in a long time.
I feel kind of bad for Martin. He must have some real troubles that we don't know about. I think I wrote about him in one of my previous posts that his girlfriend in argentina has killed herself. I guess my kind words to him that he should give up the drugs and drinking were not enough. I think that I did what I could, I mean it's not like I could have taken him home with me and showed him that life is a bowl of cherries! I don't even have that.
So what's the lesson here folks? What has this experience taught me? How can I learn from this one? I'm not sure yet. Maybe I will never know. Tallyho...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:07 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Every time I try to post I get sidetracked
So I will try to do it today... There was no Coastal Clean up for my little cubbies on Saturday. We decided to re-schedule the event. I'm glad.
Scout has his court of honor next Monday night. I am so proud of him. He will be earning his 2nd class rank and a couple of merit badges that he earned at summer camp. He also convinced his friend Carlos to join. He wants to serve a patrol leader and he will be upset if he does not get it. He thinks that since he has been to every meeting and event that he should get a turn. I tried to remind him that he has only been a boy scout for six months and that there are other boys that have been in for a year longer but he says that they don't come to the meetings. He says that if the assistant patrol leader does come back and gets moved up to PL then he will quit. We havn't seen Devin since they got back from summer camp in June. I will have to agree with him there. But maybe he is just thinking the worst. Maybe now that Carlos is in BS he will not think so harshly.
I had a den meeting last night. Scout came and did games and then did some disscusion time with the boys (four showed). I was talking to the other parents and dealing with the Baby who is still a little bit sick.
When I was talking to the other parents I found out that one of them does babysitting. So I asked if she could watch Baby. She gave me directions to her house and I told her he will start on Monday. Oh my gosh this will be Baby's first real babysitter besides my mom. I'm nervous!
Scout has decided he would like to raise some $ for the family and wants to take some things to the flea market. He is doing this for a merit badge. They have 13 weeks to get to their goal. He wants to raise $1,000.00. We went through all the baby stuff and he also wants to sell some of his toys and maybe even some furniture that we dont use. I'm all for it I mean its only stuff right?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:16 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
What's next?
So I was getting some last minute details ironed out for the Coastal Clean-up that the Cub Scouts are participating in. I called the first scouts name on the list, his dad works for the city. Dad tells me that there is red tied at the beach and they have already cleaned up 191 tons of dead fish since thursday. So thats problem #1 I can't have scouts getting sick from a field trip. Problem #2 is that they are having the weekend worriors (read that as instead of jail time they are doing community service) help clean up the dead fish just one block north of where we are going to be. So getting sick and mingling with those that break the law are not suitable for 7 - 11 year olds. Now I have to call all the parents and cancel. Oh yay!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:13 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I origionally had just a WIC appointment this morning. But Yesterday my mom called me and said the Baby was running a fever and could hardly breathe. So I called the Dr's office and made an appointment for this morning.
I get the boys off to school and head out for the WIC apt. I got there at 8:20 and was done by 9:00. I have never gotten out of there in 40 min before. It has always taken about 1 1/2 to 2 hours! The Dr's apt was not until 11:40. So what do I do now?
I took Baby with me to the pier. We had a nice stroll and enjoyed watching the men casting their fishing lines and hooking big fish. We saw five dolphins and some huge fish. No pelicans though. It reminded me of the time when I was in high school.
A couple of friends and I were at the pier. I had two friends, Julie and Rachel, that were there that day. You see Julie and Rachel never got along. I was always in the middle. I had known Julie since 6th grade and Rachel since 8th. They were totally different, Julie was a redneck and Rachel was alternative. They both brought the best out of me!
On this particular day at the pier we were watching guys play volley ball and surfing. Julie and Rachel both wanted something to eat so they took off up to the snack bar and when I caught up with them an hour later they were laughing their heads off and having a grand ole' time. They ended up being called lavern and shirley as they walked on tippytoes counting the boards of the pier. They counted all of them. I really can't remember the exact number but it was like 1,326 or something. They even asked a fisherman for a knife so they could mark the 1,000th board!
The city has since replaced all the boards, so I can't see the 1,000th board but I know where it is. Three boards west of the first bench past the snack bar on the south side. I loved that day.
These days I don't talk to Julie at all. She was into drugs and she was living with me and not paying any rent. I was watching her little girl and she was not coming home till I was leaving for work in the mornngs. That was three years ago.
I talk to Rachel every once in a while. I try to send her birthday cards and stuff and she sends things sometimes. I really miss having good friends!
Ok back to today...After the pier I took Baby to Barnes and Noble. I tried reading to him but he wasn't having it. so we went downstairs and got a bagel. After that we headed for the Doctors office. I got there at 11:00. Turns out that Baby has a slight case of Bronccitis (sp?). The Dr gave me a prescription for an antibiotic and some cough medicine.
I then drive to moms house and drop off the Baby.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:16 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
"If your going to throw a nickel...
at a chicken you might as well hit it with a stop sign!"
I read Zook's blog and thats the first thing that I thought of to say to him. Your some special guy Zook, I wish you all the best. And just know that you have a straight (girl) friend in Florida who will think about you every so often ; )...Stop by anytime to listen to my insanity when yours gets too much!...
So a friend of the kids dad just came up to my work and asked how I was doing. He came in because he thought that the phone that Rick had sold him was my mothers but I had never seen it before. He was having a problem with the min he just added to it and needed the password or something. I could not help him out. He asked if I had a boyfriend and then I think he asked me out, or something. He's a really nice guy and all but he's Ricks "friend". I put it in " " because Rick really has no friends just people he uses every once in a while. We'll see...
Lets do a little storytelling (; )@Zook) shall we...The think about the chicken comes from a guy I went to high school with named Christopher Sapp. I was on the yearbook staff in 11th grade in the year 1990-1991. I was writing this bit where you had to do a picture of a student and then write one of their quotes. Chris Sapp was a tall Blonde haired Babe. His hair went down to his butt and he always wore it down.
He was dating a friend of mine that I was in cross-country and track with. I picked the two of them to do the story on even though it had nothing to do with them dating.
For Cheri I had her stand on the second floor, on the outside of the banister. I took the picture from the ground floor looking up. It was a bad ass pic if I do say so myself. We got into huge trouble with the Yearbook teacher when the photos came back but it was worth it and it got into the book!
For Chris it was a pic of him hanging upside down just outside the stage/drama classroom. We both sahred that class as well as some others. Another pic that got us some heat but it also made it into the book!
I asked them both for a quote to go with the story and although I can't for the life of me remember what chere's was I will always remember what Chris' was.
I could use that piece of advise for just about any occassion and it works. The first time I heard it I was like Chris is just being a wiseguy. But over the years I have realised that it is the best quote that there ever was...well except mine of course...Two guys walk into a heavy metal bar the second one should have ducked!
I wonder if I still have that yearbook? (ponder... ponder... ponder...)
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:44 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
Scouts 12th Birthday
Today is Scouts 12th Birthday. Wow. He had three friends over on Friday night. They stayed almost all day on Saturday too. I had Feret and Tyler all day Saturday as well. We had pizza for lunch then we had snow cones then candy all day long and ice cream cake. We all went to the pool and had a great time. I acctually stayed there for three hours! I got a little burnt but not bad. Scout got $25 as gifts but nothing form all the boys at the party. What happened to Party ettiquett (sp?)? It cost me $120 for everything and he did not get anything from the boys at the party! Gee whenever I sent my boys to a party I always send them with a gift or $. Oh well I guess I will learn that maybe the $120 should have went right to Scout. He had a great time anyway.
Feret stayed home from school today. He said he couldn't walk and that his legs hurt. I made sure that he wasn't running a fever or anything then I left for work. I hope he is feeling better tonight.
Baby is walking all over the place. He is only 10 months old but he is sure getting around.
Feret and I went to a Cub scout thing on Saturday night. It was called Saturday Night Live. We were supposed to put on a skit with the other members of his Den but only two others showed up. They practiced with five last week and one came up to me at the end of the meeting and said he cant come. I don't know what happened to the forth one though. We looked all over for him. Never showed. So we just sat and watched the other skits and songs. There were some really funny ones that I had not seen before. I really enjoyed it.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:14 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
three weeks old
I can't remember if I told ya'll about the gerbil babies. We have one brown (brindle) male gerbil and one white female gerbil.
On a Sunday, 19 days ago, Scout was getting some cereal for breakfast and he passed by the cage to see the gerbils had five babies. One of them only lived one day but the rest have done very well. There is one brown one two tan ones and a white one.
Now i'm no gerbil expert so I don't know if they will stay the same colors or not but they are really cute. Although they still have not opened their eyes yet.
We took the papa out of the cage when we found them because the reason that we have the two in the first place is because the little girl that gave them to us said the papa hurt the last litter of babies. Mama has been a really good mama, she is right there with them all the time. We never really named them, so I am just calling them mama and papa. I want to name the four babies now that they have some color. I was thinking about naming then after the Beatles but I havn't sold it to the boys yet. They don't really care about who the Beatles are. Too bad.
Scout has decided that he wants his B-day party tomorrow. He's going to be twelve on Monday. He just wants pizza and a carvel cake. He wants to take all his friends to the pool. This is going to be fun for me. I mean I just had my carpets cleaned and my house put back together and he wants 12 kids to come over and eat! I'm ready for it though. I can't beleive I have a twelve year old! Wow how time flies!!!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:31 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
My house is all put back together and I finally found that cute white shirt I had lost. It was out on the porch with all the other stuff. Yeah!
I also just learned that my son Feret has been nominated for Class Pres.!! He says he doesn't want to do it though. He says it will be bo much work. Scout tried to convince him that he was jelous because he can't even run for student council because he has already been in ISS. (He called a girl a lesbian!) Anyway Feret says hes not going to school on Friday.
We'll see...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:13 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"You what?"
I had my first Den meeting last night for the forth grade Webelos Scouts. Only five showed out of eight. Not bad considering that two of the three that did not show up do not speak very much english. I don't know if they understood what I was telling them on the phone.
Scout, our Den Cheif, did a name game and then we did our opening ceromony. We then had the boys elect a Denner. Guess who won...Feret. So my big plan to have one of the other kids responsible for the spirt staff had failed. But I'm proud that my son was elected.
After that we practiced the skit that we are preforming on Saturday. We picked who was going to do what and we ran through it about ten times. I then thought they had had enough so I told them to go get some cupcakes and juice. When everyone was done I had one boy come up to me and tell me that he was going out of town on Saturday and he could not make it to the skit. I said "You what?" I mean we only had this one meeting to practice and he was a big part of the skit. I also told him to have a safe trip and see you on Tuesday. I was not mean to the boy at all so don't take it that way. But I was kinda upset...Now I only have four boys to do the skit and I have to figure out who is going to take his place.
I told Feret and Scout about it on the way home and Feret said he could do it. That's my boy ..takeing one for the team, no wonder they elected him! : )
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:48 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Weekend Highlights
Friday I had a leaders meeting for the new folks in scouting. Had a good turnout and got a lot done. Scout went camping with his friends and Feret went to Tylers.
Saturday I picked up Feret and Tyler and went to Marco. They had a lot of games and things to do. The boys played on the new playground equipment and had a ball. We also participated in an attempt to break the world record for the most people in a balloon fight. They called the event "Simply Silly Celebration". I'm not sure if they broke the record or not, It did not look like 2200 people. But it sure was fun.
Sunday I just missed church but I showed up anyway. My brother Chris came down and we all ended up going to my other brother Kevin's house for hambergers and hot dogs. So I left my car at moms and drove over with them. Then when Chris was leaving Mom and Dad decided to go to Cape Coral where Chris was staying so I had to hitch a ride with Kevin and Rita. I got home around 3 and I tried to call Feret but they never answer the phone at tylers. So I waited a while longer. Scout came home from camping with a twisted ankle. He was jumping off a dock into the Peace River and he landed wrong. He can bearly walk. I went and picked up Feret and went home to cook dinner. Man were those steaks good, if I do say so myself!
Glad for the short week I have a Den meeting tonight, hope there is no drama. It's all for the boys and I intend to keep it that way.
Till next time...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 11:25 AM
Friday, September 02, 2005
My lucky day...
Thats what the gas station attendent told me. "It's your lucky day".
I was on my way at a roundtable meeting and realised that I was on empty. I pull onto the main street and the cell phone rings. It's my mom ans she starts telling me that there are lines a block long at all the gas stations that still have gas. I say "What!?" And she tells me that they are driving around trying to find gas and they are not having any luck. Shoot! I tell her that I'm on my way to get some gas now and that I will call her if I have any problems.
Sure enough there at the station I was heading to there was a long line of cars so I go a little further down 41 to the next station...they are all out. I am finally convinced I will be late for my meeting and I pull into one of the line at the third station I came to.
So I'm waiting in line and Baby starts fussing. I try talking to him but he has worked himself up a bit. We pull ahead a few feet and the attendant says to me "It's your lucky day, your gas tank is on the right side of your car so I want you to pull right up there." Right up there just happened to be up to the pump behind just one truck. Meanwhile the cars that I was behind in the line are three cars behind me now. I felt a little guilty but glad!
Another attendant pumped my gas and took my money. It took $38.00 to fill it up while last week it only took $32.00. I paid $2.64 last week and last night it was $2.89. Wow I sure hope this does not last too long. I am already broke and I don't need anymore expenses.
I did make it to rountable and everyone enjoyed Baby being there. He smiled and laughed a bunch.But after about an hour he had tuckered out and got fussy again so I snuck out the door and headed home. There were still lines at the gas stations on my way home at 9:30pm
I have a leaders meeting tonight and I guess I am looking forward to that. Not too sure of what we will be doing except showing the new leaders the meeting place at the church and trying to convince them to go to training.
My brother Chris and his wife Tina and their two kids Kelsey and Colin are down for the weekend but they are staying at Tina's Mothers house in Cape Coral (about an hour away). I think they are comming down on Sunday to go to church with Mom and Dad.
Thats about all going on right now so I'll talk to ya later...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:40 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
What is going on around here?
I have a couple of things that concern me and I guess the best way to let you all know is to just list them but they are in no peticular order...
My brother Brad is going to Iraq today. I talked to him on Wednesday night and he sounds great. He always has funny little stories to tell. He told me the one about how the guys play jokes on each other. They duct tapped a guy working at a gate and put signs on him. When a couple of guys came through the gate and it didn't open they went to the gatehouse and found him there. Brad said fun was had by all, I asked him if that was concidered hazing and he said no cause they didn't beat him! I guess you think my brother is crazy and bad but he's not.
I had a cubscout meeting last night. The main thing was to get the parents to sign up as leaders for the boys. Everything went well until one of my moms from last year came up to me and asked to talk to me outside. I find out that she and two other parents are very upset cause the other parents did not ask her opinion. Please know that I was not in the room when this happened. We left the parents in the room by themselves to find vollenteers amongst themselves. They all knew that I was already a leader so they just had to pick an assistant and a committee member. Easy right? I learned later that when I went out of the room one guy asked for any vollenteers and Kathy said she wanted to be the assistant. Then the other mom Carol said she will be the committee member. The three parents that were upset did not say anything. Here's the kicker...The three who felt bad are all hispanic and the two who spoke up are white. Mary, the hispanic mom who spoke to me outside thinks that because they are hispanic that the others didn't think that they could do the job. I actually lost sleep over this. I felt very helpless and said to Mary that there are plenty of things to sign up for and she is more than welcome to do that. Mary and Ramona were a great help last year and I don't want to loose them. When she was leaving last night I told her that I will see her later and her response was "Yeah, at Publix" (Thats where she works.) They would not put their sons names on the sign up sheet. I feel so bad! What can I do?
Hey its a long weekend and you all know I love those. I hope to get this sorted out. Its a big misunderstanding. The fans should come out today. I have a scout meeting tonight and tomorrow night. There is a thing going on in Marco, they are triing to set the record for the balloon toss. Should be fun.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:02 AM
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Is this thing made of gold?
I was invited to my sons middle school open house last night. Scout tells me that I need to sign him up for an instrument to play in the band. We get to the cafeteria and see all the instruments and I sit down with this nice man and he asks me which one I need. I tell him that I want to play the trombone and then I turn to Scout and ask him what he wants. He says the trumpet. I was then handed a form to fill out and I questioned the man as to weather I needed my lawyer present or not. They all got a kick out of that. So I'm filling in everything and as it turns out unbeknownst to me that I have to acctually have to pay for this thing. I ask how much is needed and he pulls out a calculator. I know I'm in trouble then but I let him proceed. He tells me the cost of the new trumpet is $1,090.00 and I have to pay $19.00 a month for 58 months. As well as a deposit of $80.00. I finish filling out the form and give him the money. All the while I'm thinking to myself "that was my electric bill money"
After empt
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:10 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Warning: This is a new post.
Imagine my surprise when I come home from work yesterday to find the managers golf cart in front of my apartment. Now, a hundred horrible things are running through my head...Are the kids alright? Did they get in trouble? How much is this gonna cost me?
I get to the front door and see that the porch is wet and I have a bad flash back to a couple of weeks ago. I swing open the door to find Lori and Mel both with their hands full of my furnishings. I glance down and see that I am standing in water. I look back up to Lori and say "are you kidding me?" I'm sure she saw the dred on my face because she says "I thought I would cry the first time this happened."
Come to find out, Scout had a friend over in the morning that used the bathroom and then the two of them left to catch the bus. The toilet overflowed and ran all day from about 7:30am till Feret got home at 3:00pm. The manager found out when our neighbor saw water in their livingroom.
So there are five fans and two dehumidifiers in my apartment that have to run till at least thursday. They are so loud. Why do these things happen to me? I guess its a good thing that I have a meeting on every night this week, otherwise I would have lots more time to sit in the apartment with the T.V blaring...
And to think that a couple of days ago I was worried about a Hurricaine?
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:08 AM
Friday, August 26, 2005
I'm it
Found Mel's blog today and she suggested to post five random tidbits about myself so here goes...
1. My boss lets us smoke in the office even tho it's a state law that you can't. I switched from marlboro mediums to marlboro lights in order to help me quit and now I smoke a half of a pack more. : (
2. I am a single working mother of three busy boys, I work from son up to son down! Scout is 11 turnig twelve in Sept. Feret is 10 and a half (may) and Baby is 10 months today (oct).
3. I love to eat lunch...I will order enough for two people and then bring the rest home for dinner, I am sure this is not healthy but I have no way of stopping this. : )
4. I love to make things and if I can't finish them I get peeved! I made a changing table for Baby when I was pregnant and to me its a masterpiece.
5. I like to watch MTV. The Real World, Laguna Beach... I'm sure I'm too old (31) to be watching these things but its another thing that I am addicted to.
So who's next? Leave a comment and then post one on you blog...Tag Your it...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:19 PM
Kids are funny
We had our school sign-up for Cub Scouts last night. I told Feret that his best friend would be coming. Five min. later he was hitting me and saying that he wanted to go home. I put up with it for a little while and then I had to take him into the teachers lounge. He was not co-operating at all he just wanted to go home. So I packed up the Baby and we left.
By the time we got to the house he was balling. I finally found out that he was upset that Tyler was not there yet and I had to explain to him again that I called his mom and they should be comming. He agreed to come back with me and to behave himself. After we got to the school he apologized to me and he was fine the rest of the night. Even put his uniform back on!
Tyler never showed so on the way home we stopped at a pay phone and he called him. The schools are closed Friday so he asked him if he could stay over. Tyler of course said yes and I brought Feret over.
The sign-up went great. We had 23 kids and two adults fill out apps. Thats a big up from last year eight! Four of the Boy Scouts helped out with directing traffic and handing out papers. Scout even played a game of simon says with them. It's looking hopeful for our Pack this year. In my den alone there were three new boys. Thats seven in all, including Tyler who is transfering from his Pack in Golden Gate. Sorry Pack 505, If you only have one meeting a month your bound to loose some scouts.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 10:16 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
So I commented on a newbies blog and they wrote a whole post just for me! How bitchin is that? Very...They have some neat pics and great posts. Leaves ya really wondering about some heavy shit. Hey Jaymo, look on a weather map today and see that a tropical storm is heading my way... Whats your weather like in the UK.
Well folks the only thing going on today is a scout meeting tonight and I hope that we get a good turnout. But with the weather looking as it does I can only hope for the best...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:36 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Ha Ha Ha...
I ran into a friend of mine that I met in scouts two years ago. When she found out I was pregnant with Baby last year she offered me a beautiful crib that was sitting in her garage from her other two kids. Well lo and behold she's pregnant now! Leslie has been with Ray for a couple of years now and she told me that he finally proposed to her on the forth of July in a rowboat! The two of them have such great personalities and are fantastic peeps in my book. When she told me that he proposed I said to Ray "Well the damage is done" We all laughed. She also blamed me and said that I cursed her. Too funny. Glad I'm not the only one that had a child well after the first ones!
And the Ha Ha Ha is meant in the nicest way possible...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:48 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have reached a milestone here. This post represents my 50th post! Are we all jumping for joy at this moment in time? Me either. Anyway to continue on with my blog...
I have given away every last one of my Stephen King books, twenty-eight in all. I feel a little upset since I have been collecting them for 15 years but I am also joyed cause the woman I gave them to sounded really nice!
I had a guy respond by email to my ad on match . com. I cant respond back to him tho cause I'm not a member. And I know I have already talked about this but I guess I don't listen to myself! So Mike if your reading this, I am interested in grabbing some wings and maybe we can even throw them at mailboxes! But they would have to be from Buffalo Chips cause I don't fancy any others! Ok I won't be too picky!
Yak at ya'll later
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:15 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
Light bulbs and rubber plants
On Friday night Kathy and Tyler came over to see if Feret wanted to sleep over. Scout, the Baby and I stayed home and vegged out in front of the t.v.
On Saturday morning the three of us went up to Ft. Myers to go to the Scout shop. They have a way better selection there than they do at the Army Navy surplus store down here. They also have the "Scout Buddy" t-shirts I wanted to get for the Baby.
After we left there I asked Scout if he wanted to go see the Edison Ford Museum. So we got lost then asked directions and then found it. We had a great time and the tour guide was really good too. They are re-doing Edison's home so we only got to see the Ford house but they had all the furnishings in the museum. Scout was really interested in everything. Did you know that Edison was able to extract rubber out of a goldenrod weed? We saw the labratory as it had been right before he died. I would love to take the Cub Scouts there some day.
On Sunday I cleaned house and then went over to Kathy's house to help her paint the living room. I really am concidering starting a business... The Do It Yourself Helper I think I could do that. Here's the premise...You get the supplies and I help with the workload. You also watch my kids and cook dinner for us (thats my pay). I should really think about getting paid money but right now food is good to help out some friends!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:24 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
Girl friday...
Well it's Friday and I have a beef with the bank I go to. I go through the drive-thru five times a week to make deposits for the company. I don't have a personal accout there (or anywhere else for that matter). However the girls know me pretty well and they cash my payroll check without having me come into the bank. When the regular girl is not there (out to lunch or on vacation) one of the two other girls will help me and they will also cash my payroll check. I went there last week and there was a new girl in the drive-thru. She insisted that I come in to cash the check saying that I needed to put my thumb print on it and all. So I park the car and go in. As soon as the regular girl sees me she says "Why didn't you just go through drive-thru?" And I'm like "Oh, I don't know, just felt like walking in instead". So the new girl turns around and says "oh, you know her"? ...Here's your sign...
Hey, and a note to Yer Man...Thanks for leaving an e-mail address so I can respond back to ya. Wish I could hear more of that irish accent!!
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 4:10 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Baby food jars
Gave some baby food jars away to a lady that requested them on freecycle. She was really nice. She was going to use them for girl scouts. I told her why I was keeping them and she wanted to know why I'm not going to do it anymore (make snow globes for cub scouts). I told her because my son thought it was for girls. She just kinda laughed. She is going to make x-mas trees and do a science project with them. It made me feel good that I was able to help someone out for once.
The boys started school on Monday and things are going great. Scout had a friend that had gone on vacation all summer and when he came back the kid said that he was not his friend anymore. Scout finally found out why and they have since made up. It had something to do with Runescape. Its a computer game that you play online. Scout used to be addicted to it but now he has a lot more control and he dosn't have to play it when he gets computer time. His friend Timmy has a real problem with it though. He goes a little crazy if he can't play.
I put my last five bucks in the gas tank this morning. I'm hoping that it will make it till tomorrow afternoon when I cah my check. See where I live you have to have a car to get around. I live in a medium sized town. To me Miami is huge and dirty. For that matter so is Ft Myers. We are below Ft Myers (about an hour away) and West of Miami (about 1 1/2 hours) on the west coast of Florida. I work about 5 miles from the beautiful beach and live about 10 miles from the beach. Gas is up to $2.65 and the guy at the gas station said that its going up tomorrow. Just my luck.
Have you ever just scanned through some blogs? I read this one that the guy was living with his wife and she had a boyfriend too! He didn't want to leave because of the daughter and he had some emotional issues. I personally thinks he needs to high-tail it out of there and maybe he will start to feel better about himself, thats what I did...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:24 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
I had a pretty busy weekend. On Friday night I picked up the boys and headed to the mall. Ferret found some shoes (and1)and Scout found some clothes and a pair of Lugz (shoes). Then Scout stayed at Timmy's house and on Saturday morning I drove Ferret to Tylers. After that I picked up Scout and we went to another store so he could buy so Dickies (he got a pair of shorts and a shirt). We went back to Timmy's but Beth was not there so we went home. After we got home she called and asked if we were comming over. So finally about 4 pm we started on her garage. There were signs of rats and then we finally saw one. Mikey picked up a box and it ran across the room! We only saw it that once so its still in there somewhere. We only got 1/2 the room done and we were losing light at 8:30 so we had to stop to clean up and put everything back in the garage. There was sooo much garbage that we filled up two garbage cans and have a pile of stuff in the back yard that need to be thrown out too. In all there is about 52 square feet of garbage!
Scout and Mikey got into a huge fight. They were on the groun wrestling and punching and kicking. I know Scout clocked him good in the face at least once. Mikey is always causing trouble and Scout just had enough of him. After they calmed down we ate dinner and went home.
On sunday morning Scout and I atempted to clean house but it just was not happening. We were both very tired and cranky. At 2pm we went to Rondas house for the scout meeting and we sorted out our calender. Then we went to pick up Ferret and we all came home. They had a hard time getting to sleep and finally about 10pm I ended up turning off all the lights and going to bed myself!
This morning everyone got up on time and on a bus. I got a call from the middle school secretary and they were saying that Scout was not zoned for there. I sain "Yes, he is" and gave her our address. She says "Oh, I see it now" So he missed some school today but I'm hoping that everything is alright.
Oh by the way! When I told Ferret that he has the same teacher he said"No way are you kidding? I'm gonna have an awsome forth grade!" Yeah! at least someones happy...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:20 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
Pumpkin Pie
So I went to the Kick-off Dinner for scouts last night. I brought Kathy with me and we had a pretty good time. I begged and pleaded for some help recruiting new scouts. And I am told it is taken care of. I sure hope so. I am doing all I can to get ready for this coming year in scouts. I have planned out our year somewhat and I will meet with Ronda on Sunday to do the rest. She is not going to do the leader thing this year and I'm the only other leader left so something has got to be done. On the other hand I already signed the boys in my den to do a skit and I am so exited about it!
Baby had a Dr's apt. today and he is all good. 20 pounds and 28 inches. Now I have to get a new car seat for him! He got a shot and yep he cried! But just till the nurse left the room.
Found out that Feret has the same teacher as he did last year. He should be happy. I think tonight I will take Scout shopping for school clothes and a car seat for Baby then have all day tomorrow to streighten up the house.
Tata for now...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:59 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
How cute...
Last night I made pumpkin pie to bring to the scout dinner kick-off. It smells soooo good. While that was cooking I made tie slides. Although my idea of the plastic tubes did not work cause I got one that was too small. I used twist ties instead. I started with plastic spoons and filled them with plaster of paris. Then I bent the twist ties and stuck the middle part into the plaster of paris. after about 40 min I popped them out and wahlah. Tie slides. I tried to use marker on them but since they are water based it didn't work. Then I tried a sharpie, that worked. I drew out an alligator and wrote PACK 325 on it. They look cool. The dinner is tonight and I'm very nervous (as usuall)
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:40 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
My legs hurt...
I was at Beth's house on Saturday and she was saying that she needed to paint her living room. I said I would love to do it. I got there at 10 am and started moving the furniture with her son Timmy. Beth and her daughter Kathlene got back from the paint store at 12. It was really fun and with the kids helping we got alot done. But come three o'clock we needed to get the other colors for the dinning room and the kitchen. Off we went to get more paint and the color we got was lime green instead of the sage we wanted. So Kathlene went back to return it and came back with a great color. At about 10pm we finally finished the three rooms. It looks 100% better than before. The living room is now a dark tan, the dining room a sage green and the kitchen is a light blue (counter tops are navy and we wanted yellow but the store ran out of the yellow oxide). Before we painted it was all white!
On Monday night I went to pick up the Baby at my mom's and she asked if I wanted the desk and computer that she no longer uses. I said ok so we began to clean everything off of it and take it apart. We get it home and put it in the boys' room. It looks really good in there.
I have a Cub scout event to go to on Thursday and I need to call the school to confirm that we can at least put up signs the day of sign up.
Thats about all for now...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 12:26 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
Yesterday afternoon when we were closing up, some of the guys here at work brought a six pack of beer in. I had a beer and thought nothing of it. When I came in this morning Tommy was in Garys office and I hear him telling him that I was drinking on the job. Tommy comes over to my desk and pulles out an empty bottle of beer and the carton from my desk drawers. It was quite funny. I hope that Gary knows that Tommy is joking around.
After Gary had left for some estimates, Tommy asks me to go out back to the shop with him. Hes kinda fiddleing around and the other guys are just standing there. Then he asks me to follow him to the back of the shop. I dont suspect anything so I follow him. All of a sudden Martin comes up behind me and takes a round sticky piece of paper off my back. Not funny Tommy, are you just getting out of middle school? Turns out he had nothing for me to see in the shop and he just wanted to show the guys what he had done to my back.
I guess he's just getting back at me for making him calling one of our customers at 4:30 the other day (closing time) and him being here on the phone with her till 5:30 with a problem she is having with a shower in Michigan. I thought that was pretty funny! Although it wasn't what my intention was. He is quite a talker. I do still have tomatoe hanging on my bulitin board from when he was flinging them at me! I really need to clean it off!
This guy just stopped in here that bought a building a few doors down asking about the neighborhood. I said that we havn't had any problems at all. But I did mention that you had to, on occasion, swerve around the swat cars on the street. We have had a trailer burn down and a rape that turned into a murder. But as far a business goes, not one single problem.
Note to self: Remind Gary to get another dead bolt for the front door...maybe some cameras for the shop and sign up with the alarm system again...
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 11:28 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Just a thought
I was singing to myself and I just thought I would put down some old songs that I used to listen to. I have thought of more but its getting boring now so maybe later! All is well.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:53 PM
Yo, vip, let's kick it
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:33 PM
Ricky was a young boy
he had a heart of stone.
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.
Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.
Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.
He had no money, oooh no good at home.
He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone
And now it’s18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s18 and life to go
Tequila in his heartbeat, his veins burned gasoline.
It kept his motor running but it never kept him clean.
They say he loved adventure, ricky’s the wild one.
He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun.
Bang bang shoot ’em up, the party never ends.
You can’t think of dying when the bottle’s your best friend
And now it’s 18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it's 18 and life to go
Accidents will happen they all heard ricky say
He fired his six-shot to the wind that blew a child away.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:25 PM
Now here's a little story
I've got to tell
about three bad brothers you know so well
it started way back in history
with adrock, mca and me mike d
been had a little horsey named paul revere
just me and my horsey and a quart of beer
riding across the land kicking up sand
sheriffs posse on my tail cause im in demand
one lonley beastie i be
all by myself without nobody
the sun is beating down on my baseball hat
the air is gettin hot the beer is gettin flat
looking for a girl i ran into a guy
his name is mca i said howdy he said hi
he told me a little story that sounded well reheased
four days on the run and that hes dying of thirst
the brew was in my hand and he was on my tip
his voice was hoarse his throat was dry he asked me for a sip
he said can i get some
i said you cant get none
he pulled out his shotgun
he was quick on the draw i thought id be dead
he put the gun to my head and this is what he said
now my name is mca ive got a license to kill
i think you know what time it is its time to get ill
now what do we have here an outlaw and his beer
i run this land you understand i make myself clear
we stepped into the wind he had a gun i had a grin
you think this storys over but its ready to begin
now i got the gun ayou got the brew
you got two choices of what you can do
its not a tough decision as you can see
i can blow you away or you can ride with me
ill ride with you if you can get me to the border
the sheriffs after me for what i did to his daughter
i did it like this i did it like that
i did it with a whiffleball bat
so im on the run the cops got my gun
and right about now its time to have some fun
the king adrock that is my name
and i know the fly spot where they got the champagne
we rode for six hours then we hit the spot
the beat was bumping and the girlies was hot
this dude was staring like he knows who we are
we took the empty spot next to him at the bar
mca said yo you know this kid
i said i dont but i know he did
the kid said get ready cause this aint funny
my names mike d and im about to get money
pulled out the jammy aimed it at the sky
he yelled stick em up and let two fly
hands went up and people hit the floor
he wasted two kids that ran for the door
im mike d and i get respect
your cash and your jewery is what i expect
mca was with it and hes my ace
so i grabbed the piano player and i punched him in the face
the piano players out the music stopped
his boy had beef so he got dropped
mike d grabbed the money mca snatched the gold
i grabbed two girlies and a beer thats cold
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:47 PM
Whenever Im alone
with you you make me feel
Like I am home again whenever Im alone with
Your you make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever Im alone with you you make me feel
Like I am young again whenever Im alone with
You you make me feel like I am fun again
However far away I will always love you however
Long I stay I will always love you whatever
Words I say I will always love you I will always
Love you
Whenever Im alone with you you make me feel
Like I am free again whenever Im alone with
You you make me feel like I am clean again
However far away I will always love you however
Long I stay I will always love you whatever
Words I say I will always love you I will always
Love you
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:31 PM
I need someone
a person to talk to
Someone whod care to love
could it be you could it be you
Situation gets rough then I start to panic
its not enough its just a habit
Hey kid your sick well darling this is it
You can all just kiss off into the air
Behind my back I can see them stare
They'll hurt me bad but I wont care
They'll hurt me bad they do it all the time
Yeah yeah they do it all the time
I hope you know this will go down
On your permanent record
Oh yeah well dont get so destressed
Did I happen to mention that Im impressed
I take one one one cause you left me and
Two two two for my family and
Three three three for my heartache and
Four four four for my headaches and
Five five five for my lonely and
Six six six for my sorrow and
Seven seven for no tomorrow and
Eight eight I forget what eight was for and
Nine nine nine for a lost God and
Ten ten ten ten for everything
Everything everything everything
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:18 PM
Day after day
I will walk and I will play
but the day after today
I will stop
And I will start my way
Why can't I get just one kiss
Why can't I get just one kiss
Believe me there'd be something that I wouldn't miss
But I look at your pants and I need a kiss
Why can't I get just one screw
Why can't I get just one screw
Believe me I know what to do
But something won't let me make love to you
Why can't I get just one fuck
Why can't I get just one fuck
I guess it's something to do with luck
But I waited my whole life for just one
Day after day
I get angry
And I will say
That the day
Is in my sight
When I'll take a bow
And say goodnight
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 2:11 PM
When I'm walking
I strut my stuff yeah I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite I just might stop to check you out
Let me go on like a blister in the sun
Let me go on big hands I know your the one
Body and beats I stain my sheets I don't even know why
My girlfriend she's at the end and she is starting to cry
Let me go on like a blister in the sun
Let me go on big hands I know your the one
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 1:46 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I seem to be a bit aggitated when I get home these days. I have simply run out of patience with Scout and Ferret. They are really driving me up the wall. Scout will antagonize Ferret to no end. And when I ask him to stop he says "make me!" Ohhh I could just...just...
I got home yesterday and they started with the Pokemon cards. "Mom Scout stole my holigrafic Bulbousaur." I ask Scout if he took it and he said "no." Then ten min later he grabs his deck of cards and shows them to Ferret. Guess whats on the top of his deck? Yep! The same card that Ferret just said he stole. So Scout says "Yeah, well you took my Charzard" (or whatever) From that point on I could not get them to stop arguing. Very fustrating!
I finally get the Baby to sleep and sit down to watch some (M)TV. (Yes, I am a MTValoic) and after about a half hour Scout decides to run a remote control tank into the living room. That would have been fine at any other time but the Baby woke up and I was a little POed. So I ended up being up for another three hous and not getting to bed till midnight. Ugh!
I hope that they are just getting cabin fever and not having a change in their usual character. My boys are usually very sweet and a bit mischeivious. I just learned that the other day the went knocking on doors to borrow viniger and baking soda to make rockets. I know that I have tought them better than that but they were with another two boys who must be a bit braver than my two.
I think another reason that they are acting out is because school starts on the 15th and we have not gone clothes shopping yet. Scout starts his first year in middle school and he wants to make sure he has the "right" clothes. Rick had better fork over some dough!
And speaking of hump...I really need to find a boyfriend! I heard on five different occasions this week that men like women my size. So whats the problem. Oh I know, I am way to picky and have no self esteem. I do think that I am pretty and all but when I meet people I think that I have nothing to offer them. But, Yesterday while I was a work one of the guys came in to cool off for a bit and he started telling me his life story. I am a very good listener and I have excelent eye contact! I don't have much to say but I will always listen. He told me that his girlfriend back in argentina would always say that she would never get married or have kids or be happy, then he came here to start a good life for them and he got a call from his mother that she (his girlfriend) killed herself! I started to cry right then. I think he blames himself cause she never liked him doing drugs or drinking and he never stopped. Also the fact that she used to tell him she was going to die. (She hung herself in the bathroom) He tells me that he wants to stop the using but has no reason to. He also said that when he was in Argintina he had a lot of money from selling but when he came here he lost everything cause the durgs are more expensive and it is more dangerous here to sell. He told me that when he came over on the plane, he had his shoes filled with cocaine. never got caught. I really feel for the guy. He has lost so much. Whereas my lazy ass ex had nothing but good to gain and he pissed it all away.
Transcribed for...who in the heck is tallyho And where were you at 3:37 PM